Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
April 27, 1964

An Appeal From Mexico

Dear Brother Tant:

I am writing this letter from Sonoyta, Sonora, Mexico (160 miles south of Phoenix, Arizona), where I am engaged in a Gospel Meeting which began last Lord's Day (19th). Interest has been good plus the fact that several Catholic families have been in attendance. One interested family, of which the father is an official in the Mexican Customs Office, has manifested interest. Fidel Cisneros, the local preacher here, is doing a real fine job, even though the field is very difficult. One old woman started to throw boiling water all over him if he didn't leave her front door, and quit talking about the Bible.

As you probably have read in my reports from time to time, bro. Santos Gomez, who preaches for the Tecate, Mexico, church, has been trying for nearly two years to complete the church building there. As high as fifty people have been meeting in his living room where services have been held since August 1958, when Gomez and I started the church in that town. He states that $1500 will complete the building, then they can move in and have a chance to grow numerically.

There is an individual who is willing to loan brother Gomez this amount in full in order that the Tecate building can be finished with a minimum of delay, but it must be repaid, thus this appeal. I believe that with just a little "push" from our North American brethren, the Tecate brethren can complete their building, especially if your paper could put us in contact with individuals who would be willing to help. For example: If only two individuals would send $750 each, or if three would send $500 each, this loan could be liquidated in short order. Six sending $250 each would solve the problem. Fifteen sending $100 each would pay off this obligation. Thirty sending $50 each would do it, or just sixty sending $25 each. If there are persons that would care to help, but are not presently in a position to send all cash now at this time, they could send what they could, and continue until the need no longer existed, as long as they had been blessed and prospered. Brother Gomez would be writing you himself, but he does not write in the English language, thus I am writing in his behalf. The brethren at Tecate are doing all they can, but about all they can furnish is their own labor, since the churches in Mexico are very poor. Thus, as brethren in Christ, we are appealing to you to help get this building completed. Will you help?

Checks can be made out (which are 100% tax deductible) to Tecate Church of Christ, Building Fund, and can be sent direct to Santos Gomez, P. O. Box 344, Tecate, California, U.S.A., 92080. The cancelled checks will serve as your receipts. Thank vou in advance, brethren, and may God richly bless everyone of you for this noble deed.

Sincerely in Christ, Charles F. House