Vol.IV No.XII Pg.2
February 1968

Re. Readin' And Ritin'

Robert F. Turner

A sincere friend of mine thinks I misrepresented someone in last month's editorial. I have never knowingly done this in my life, and I have no intentions of beginning now.

He thinks I assigned my definition of "realm of Faith" to someone. More careful reading will show I question the other brother's definition, saying that if elders' "decision" re. an interpretation of scripture is not binding, this puts it back in the realm of judgement where we had said it was all along. The gist of my comments were, not that I charged this editor with the consequence of his statements, but that I could not believe he held such consequences, and hence felt his was an "irresponsible analysis of the subject."

The need for careful use of terms is always demonstrated in discussions of differences. If possible, terminology common to both "sides" should be used to avoid misunderstandings. It is not wrong to use a word not found in the Bible, but that word must describe accurately the idea that is found there if we are to call it a "scriptural" matter.

For example: "cooperation" is not found in "standard" versions. Current dictionaries show this word may apply to "concurrent independent action" or to "collective action." Dictionaries also show clearly that collective action is "different" "opposed" to independent action. Now if I wish to say the Bible teaches churches should "cooperate" I am obligated to clearly define the specific use I am making of "cooperate" -- and I am obligated to prove THAT use by the scriptures. All writers, especially, have weighty obligations to strive for clarity. I'll TRY HARD to make myself clear. Please TRY HARD to read charitably. Thanks! -------------------------

This issue closes Vol. 4. Some back issues are available for those who wish to bind our product. Volume 5, will be written (?) while I am in full-time meetings, and just how it will be done remains to be seen. Beginning April 6, I will have an unbroken string of travel and preaching to December 1; Oregon to Jersey, Iowa and Illinois to Texas valley.

Address changes, minor matters, should be addressed to PLAIN TALK and an office worker will handle this. If you wish to reach me personally, use same address (1608 Sherrard, Burnet) and such mail will be forwarded.

James Adams And Reuel Lemmons Will Handle Publication Details Of Arlington Discussion: Details At Later Date.