Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 16, 1958
NUMBER 36, PAGE 3,5b

"Who Does The Visiting?"

R. Ervin Driskill, Lewisville, Texas

"Who Does The Visiting?" is the title of an article in the "Children's Home" published by Lubbock brethren. Paragraph one says, "Some people seem to be deeply troubled over the present arrangements through which most of the homeless children cared for today by the CHURCH (caps mine, R.E.D.) have those services rendered in group homes such as we have here." It is evident that these brethren are not using the word "church" in its local sense by raising the following questions: (1)

"Are we in these Homes doing the work of others who send their contributions here?" (2) "Are those who send contributions doing their work through us?" It is said, "A little reflection should convince one that a contribution to care for homeless children HERE is in itself a work AUTHORIZED BY INSPIRATION." Why the brother started to prove his position "by inspiration" and did not cite us to inspiration I do not know, but he failed to even allude to a passage. This Home is UNDER the elders of the Broadway church, and CHURCHES are therefore, contributing to the Broadway Church. This is activating the church UNIVERSAL under ONE CHURCH (Broadway) if these children are the charge of said churches. This, in turn, puts Broadway elders OVER children who are the charge of CONTRIBUTING CHURCHES. Now, I think these brethren can see this and there is no sense in "covering up;" I think it is time they met the issue. On the other hand, if all these children are the CHARGE of Broadway, and the CONTRIBUTING CHURCHES are assisting Broadway to fulfill her responsibility, how did they become such? If because they ASSUMED this work, what right did they have to assume it? Yes, if "inspiration has authorized it" give us the passage.

This church has set up this home to care for children who are ITS charge; the charge of OTHER CHURCHES and those who are not the charge of Broadway or any other CHURCH. Broadway church thus, becomes a medium through which "general benevolence" is done. Brethren, it will take more than "a little reflection" to "convince one that a contribution to care for homeless children HERE is in itself a work authorized by inspiration." Where is the passage or passages, for elders to set themselves up as overseers of a "general work of benevolence?" It has come to the point of nausea, to me, for brethren to camouflage and cover up on these matters. I want something that looks like scripture and if Lubbock doesn't have it and Warren, Deaver, Woods, or anyone else has it, GIVE IT TO US!

The following statements are the proof (?) that their arrangement "is in itself a work authorized by inspiration." Quote: "If a carpenter making $2 an hour sends a contribution of $20 to us for the care of homeless children, he must work 10 hours to do so. Who actually visits the fatherless? This man, the elders who supervise the Home, the superintendent who oversees the work, the house parents who direct actual living in the cottage?" ANSWER: In this statement we have the elders of Broadway "OVER the HOME" and a superintendent "OVER the WORK." I had thought all along the claim was made that 'the WORK was "UNDER the Broadway elders" but not so; it is "UNDER a superintendent." These brethren have made "the HOME" a "PLACE" and not a "WORK." And, how did it happen the carpenter sent the $20 to "US" (the elders) if the elders are only "over the place"? Looks like the elders may be "over more than just the PLACE." Yes, they are "OVER the MONEY" necessary to keep the "WORK" going. But, where did God ever authorize the elders of Broadway (or elders of any local church) to set themselves up to be "OVER a place," where many churches and individuals "visit the fatherless" and who gave them the right to be "OVER the money" of many churches and individuals "visiting said fatherless"? I do not ask that it be found in "so many words," in ONE PASSAGE, but if it can be found in one-hundred passages — let's have it. And, while we're on this point — if this matter was the work of the Broadway church — what right do the elders have putting a superintendent "OVER" it? I have always thought the elders superintended the work of the local church but not so at Broadway. They only "supervise the Home" and another superintendent "oversees the work." Shades of Denominationalism.

But we quote again: "If a father maintains a son away in college at a cost of $200 a month, who schools the boy? Beyond a doubt, the father would say that he does." Yes, the father is paying the College to educate his son, but where does inspiration authorize Broadway (a local church) to set itself up as a service institution and receive funds of individuals and many churches in payment for the care of the "fatherless" of said churches and individuals? Not even MUCH reflection (to say nothing of "a little reflection") can produce the passage or passages. If it could it would have been given long ago.

Again, the article says, "In the construction of a house, who builds it? The one providing funds, the architect drawing the plans, the contractor, bricklayer, electrician, plumber who actually erects the structure?" I answer, where is the authority that would make Broadway parallel to the architect, contractor, bricklayer, plumber etc., and the CONTRIBUTING CHURCHES parallel to the man providing the funds? There is silence, complete SILENCE! This, brethren, is the sort of "reflection" that is supposed to "convince one that a contribution to care for homeless children here is in itself a work authorized by inspiration."

Broadway has thus become a "service institution," to OTHER CHURCHES, like a College serves patrons who school their children. Or, Broadway hires out to OTHER CHURCHES, (in caring for homeless children) as an architect, contractor, plumber etc., hires out to a man furnishing funds to build a house. Is there anything like this in God's arrangement? Will someone — just anyone — please give the passage? Can a church sustain a relationship to OTHER CHURCHES that a College does to patrons or that a group of laborers do to a man building a house? These brethren must know there is no scripture for this arrangement and that is why they choose to reason and rationalize rather than quote authority from God's word. Brethren, give us less of your reasoning and more scripture.