Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 16, 1958
NUMBER 36, PAGE 4-5a

Substitute Editor

During the next two months or so, I will be trying to fill-in for Bro. Tant as editor of this paper — if one can call what I will do "editing." Let me emphasize that this is merely a fill-in on a temporary basis while Bro. Taut takes a much deserved and needed rest from this chore. However, the main reason for his "taking off" is to allow him the time to write his father's biography. Certainly all who know the facts want to see this book written and published, because such is needed. Few men have been as influential in the church as the late J. D. Tant. The book will be a real treasure and filled with some of the most interesting stories ever printed. It will be a real task trying to decide what to include and what to leave out.

The above will explain why I am sitting in for Bro. Yater during these weeks. There is no cause for alarm — he is still the editor and, the Lord willing, he will shortly be back at his post.

— Charles A. Holt Their Debtors We Are

In Romans 15:27 Paul spoke of the Gentiles being debtors to the Jews. From the Jews had come the gospel. Now that the saints at Jerusalem (Jews) were in physical need, the Gentiles could reciprocate. He says, "It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things."

Here the principle of recognizing and fulfilling a debt or obligation is set forth. The Gentiles should be so grateful for what the Jews had done for them that they would gladly pay their debt by helping supply the need of the Jerusalem saints. Only ingrates would refuse to honor such an obligation.

For more than eight years the GOSPEL GUARDIAN, under the leadership of Yater Tant and Roy E. Cogdill, has been in the forefront of the fight against the growing digression and apostasy within our ranks. During this time, through the direct or indirect teaching and influence of this paper, thousands of brethren over the nation have been helped to see the truth relative to the current issues before the church; these brethren have been awakened and aroused. During much of this time the GUARDIAN has been practically alone, as far as papers and other mediums of teaching are concerned, in this fight. This paper has more or less stood in the breach, borne the heat of the day and the blunt of the battle. Of course, in speaking of the GUARDIAN as I am, I do so only in a figure to represent all those who have taken the lead, through this medium, in studying and teaching on these issues. Especially do I have in mind Tant and Cogdill, who, by their labors and sacrifices, have made this medium possible. The paper is not an entity; it is not an organization.

During these eight years the battle has waged hot and furious. Tant and Cogdill have served as generals as far as this paper is concerned. That the paper has made mistakes and blunders now and then no one will deny. No doubt there have been articles carried herein that should never have seen the light of print. Perhaps some writers have not always exercised the "right spirit;" although I confess that I am not much at determining the "spirit" of a writer as some seem to be. I only KNOW what the writer says by his writings; at least, what I think he says. The "spirit" of faithful proclaimers of the word has always been condemned when they join battle with the forces of error and really smite such "hip and thigh." Sectarians, both outside and inside the church, have always criticized the "spirit" of those who positively exposed their error.

Certainly the GUARDIAN has occasionally made mistakes in judgment and at times may have erred in the manner employed in carrying the fight against the forces of liberalism and institutionalism. Tant and Cogdill will be the first to admit such. Like all the rest of us, their "hindsight is much better than their foresight" at times. Let us remember that for the most part we are determining and judging their mistakes by "hindsight" rather than foresight. So perhaps we should not be too critical of such mistakes as we think we have seen. No telling what might have been the situation if some of us had been in their place!

There is just no way to fight a fight without fighting! War gets ugly, hard and cruel. True Christians are at war! Ours is the greatest of all wars in every respect — the number involved, the ultimate consequences and so forth. The fight against sin and spiritual wickedness in high places is not intended to be a nice, polite, pleasant little mock battle, but a real war! We are playing for keeps!

One paper was started with the idea that the ones directing it could fight current errors and do so in the "right spirit and manner," and without "dealing in any personalities." As far as I am concerned, the paper was rather ineffectual in its efforts and was not really reckoned with by the opposition until it began to "pull no punches." We rejoice in every such effort to help out in the fight. Maybe such can succeed with many whom the GUARDIAN could never reach. We need every such medium to teach the truth and expose error.

Some, who today believe the truth concerning the current issues, are often critical of the GUARDIAN in some respects; especially along the line mentioned above with reference to the "spirit" of the paper. A few have maintained a sorts "hands off" policy toward it. They know that what the paper stands for relative to these issues is right, but they are leery of the MANNER employed. The GUARDIAN is stigmatized in some quarters and one who lets it be known that he is in agreement with the efforts of this paper is instantly branded and efforts are made to close "doors" to him. A few brethren have been intimidated by this situation; and by the false charges and quarantine measures of the opposition. They fear the charge that will be hurled — "You are lined up with the GUARDIAN;" or, "You are a GUARDIAN boy." Such is exactly what the opposition wants. With these measures many have been kept in silence while error has gone unchallenged in many places. No wonder some churches are un-taught with reference to the real state of affairs and will ultimately be lost to digression. Anytime a preacher takes a POSITIVE stand against the institutional and promotional projects and does any REAL teaching on such, he will be marked and branded — but good! Only a coward and time-server will let the intimidations of the opposition scare him from his duty.

Many are indebted to the GUARDIAN for their knowledge of the truth relative to present issues. This paper has stood in the breach while many were "still studying," doing all possible to save the church from such practices. What would the picture be today IF there had been no GUARDIAN? What would be the result if Tant, Cogdill, Lewis, Otey, Douthitt, Welch, Foy Wallace, Jr., Adams, Porter and dozens of other men had not been willing and ready to pay the price, lead in the fight to stem the tide? Who would have done so? IN SPITE OF ALL THE MISTAKES, BLUNDERS AND BAD "SPIRIT" THEY WERE IN THERE FIGHTING! And I thank God for them and the service they have rendered. I am also thankful that their efforts have not been in vain. Thousands of faithful brethren all over this nation have been stirred to action and are now standing against the encroachments of institutionalism, promotional schemes, modernism in its every form and every deviation and departure from the divine pattern!

Since the GUARDIAN has been and still is such a powerful medium for truth, why not help make it even better? Be grateful for the good it has done. Help improve it. Write for it. Make suggestions — I know that Tant and Cogdill will welcome such. The main thing is to help get it into the hands of all possible! Perhaps it can do for them what it has done for some of us. Urge brethren to subscribe to it and read it. Try to have it sent to every elder, deacon, teacher and interested member of the congregation where you belong. This could really have far-reaching effects for good. This is the big NEED of the hour, and this is where all of us can help out. There are other papers in the field now helping with the task of stemming the forces of liberalism and institutionalism, and they are doing an excellent work. We are thankful for each and every one of them. Let us use them all and help disseminate the truth through every available means. However, there is no paper that can yet take the place of this one. Without question it still stands in the forefront in the fight. Therefore, let us realize that is a sense "we are debtors" to it. Let us pay the "debt" by helping to make the paper better, urging brethren to subscribe to it and read it, and by occasionally sending in articles for publication. No doubt the very best way that any of us can help is to join in the fight openly and positively. Let us thus solidify our forces. The advocates of liberalism and institutionalism within our ranks have not yet begun to realize the number and strength of those who stand opposed to such. "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so." Truth will stand — we have naught to fear while upholding and defending the truth!