Adventures In Good Reading
THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS, By Charles F. Pfeiffer, Baker Book House. $2.50 per copy.
The pick and the shovel have been used many times to bring to light truths buried for centuries. Only a few months ago, from caves near the Northwest corner of the Dead Sea there was brought to light M. S. giving information of the Jews and civilization anti-dating the Christian Century. Through the centuries there have been found records in Hebrew and Greek containing history of Old Testament times, as well as New Testament conformation.
The work of properly assembling the pieces of material on which was recorded the history is no small task, and there remains much to come from the MS recently found, and I am persuaded all will be in harmony with the Bible.
The student will find this book by Mr. Pfeiffer very interesting and informative. Bible students should have a copy, now; and be ready for additional information from the Ms. found.
JESUS FRIEND AND HELPER, By Elizabeth Allstrom, Abingdon Press. $1.50 per copy.
An illustrated booklet, cloth bound, for children with Jesus talking with them in six interesting chapters. Parents make wise investments when they buy books for children which tell about Jesus and the lessons he taught. Early lessons learned by children become part of their reactions along life's eventful journey. Do not neglect to furnish your children that which instills in them the clean, the ennobling.
GRACE FOR TODAY, By William Goulooze, Baker Book House. $2:50 per copy.
The author had by his physicians been told that he was suffering from an incurable disease; to return to his home, and make such preparation, if any, for the coming end were necessary. His Book followed, for he was certain he had been properly advised by his physicians. He begins the book: "NUMBER YOUR DAYS." The first portion of the book is under the heading, "Grace For Submission," while the second section is under the heading: "Grace for Service."
Though you may not know when your days on earth will end, you will find this book profitable, and your life will be richer by reading the words of the man whose days were limited to a few months.