Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 29, 1957


Cecil B. Douthitt, Brownwood, Texas

The fifth paragraph in the first column of my article on page 5 of the Gospel Guardian of August 15, 1957, should read as follows:

Doctrines and ordinances which bind the church to "handle not, nor taste, nor touch" things which "God created to be received with thanksgiving" are of demons and should be rejected, lest they cause some to "fall away from the faith" (I Tim. 4:1-3).

Also, in the same article, beginning with the fifth line on page 6, the sentences are not printed correctly. They should read as follows:

Neither the work nor the method of doing the work of "the kingdom of God" was involved at all. Nothing was involved but the "liberty" of personal indulgence.

These and other clerical errors make my article on, IN DEFERENCE TO BRETHREN OF WEAK FAITH OR CONSCIENCE, (Gospel Guardian, August 15, 1957) senseless and absurd in some of its parts.