Adventrues In Good Reading
LET THERE BE LIGHT, by Benjamin P. Browne, Fleming H. Revell Company. The author makes reference to the fact that Jesus used many illustrations in his teaching, and many public teachers do also, that often a lesson is made more impressive by such, that illustrations often "give light."
In the book one will find many gripping stories not used in other books; stories that may be aptly used by ministers in their sermons, as well as stories that may well be used in other addresses. Too he gives advice how it is possible for you to make your own illustrations.
It is not the purpose of a sermon to entertain the audience, nor is the hour of worship designed for entertainment, yet it is true that an illustration may be used with good effect.
The public speaker will find use for this book many times.
THE CHURCH IN GOD, by Harold J. Ockenga, Fleming H. Revell Company, Cloth, $4.00, 350 pages: A most interesting exegesis of First and Second Thessalonians, a verse by verse commentary which is worthy of careful consideration. The author approaches his subject where he knows there will be different views, false theories, in a delightful manner, yet boldly, and presents the issue in clear terms, making plain the real issue.
His discussion of the "Second Coming" of Christ, and the Premillennial's views are timely and profitable. He makes no apology for offering an adverse criticism of a false view, as he views it.
The discussion of the use of the word "church" in the New Testament is interesting, and needs to be known by readers. Many have no proper conception of the word "church" as used in the Bible.
The Bible reader will find assistance in the discussion of "Day of the Lord," and "Day of Christ."
You will make a profitable investment in buying this book.
REST FOR THE WEARY, by Vance Havner, Fleming H. Revell Company, Cloth, $2.00: The author, born in a rural section of North Carolina early in life had his favorite haunts where he often went, away from the houses, and heard the voice of birds, hum of bees, chatter of the squirrel, and murmur of the brook as it leaped in cascades on its way to the sea. In his favorite places he communed with nature unpolluted by the hand of man. There he saw the work of God's hand, communed with him, and engaged in introspection as he contemplated what his life would be.
Early in life he began to preach. His zeal, devotion and direct manner of presenting the lessons presented soon brought calls for work in towns and cities. He gives us a word on his experiences in cities, and hotel life; and the ever present relaxation that was his when he relived the hours in his favorite places in the hills, away from the marts of the world.
If you were reared in the country, you will relive some of the experiences of your favorite resorts there while reading this book, and yearn for them again to be in the "temple of Jehovah," which has not been pointed. You will be better for having read this book.