Bob Melear, West Culver City, California, May 2: "We just closed an eight day meeting with Brother John W. Wilson doing the preaching. Attendance good. This congregation, as well as several visiting congregations, were strengthened greatly. We had no visible results but several made ready from the fine preaching done by Brother Wilson."
Doyle Banta, 1309 Ninth Ave. S.E., Decatur, Alabama: "During April we had two baptized and five by membership here at Somerville Road. -New records were set in every please of our work except Sunday night attendance. With 217 membership we averaged 270 for classes, 306 for morning worship, 201 for Wednesday night and $327.75 contribution per week."
Rury-Barber Debate May 16-17, 19-20
Orland W. Rury, 517 N.W. 16 St., Grand Prairie, Texas: "Orland W. Rury of Grand Priarie, Texas will debate William C. Barber, a Baptist preacher of Arlington, Texas on Baptism and Faith Only. The discussion on Baptism will be May 16-17 at the Berean Baptist Church in Arlington. Faith Only will be discussed May 19-20 at the Church of Christ, 4th. and Church Streets in Grand Prairie where Norman Gipson preaches."
Wm. E. Wallace, 640 Thayer Street, Akron 10, Ohio, April 26: "Yater Tant preached here in a meeting April 17-24. Six were baptized. Sunday afternoon, April 24, Bro. Tant spoke to members from almost every congregation in this immediate area. He discussed the material presented in the recent Lufkin debate. The churches in this area are either aware of the dangers and errors of some things the Gospel Advocate supports, or, they are becoming aware, generally. This week Bro. Tant speaks one night at the following places: Dayton, Columbus, Bedford Ohio; Parkersburg and Moundsville, West Virginia. It appears that the Truth is gaining; speak out, brethren, and it will continue to turn erroneous thinking to flight. Bro. Tant's Work as a gospel preacher and as an editor is superior, and it looks like he will make quite a name for himself on the forensic platform. I have a limited number of tracts containing a sermon preached by Earl West on "Congregational Cooperation" at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio May 1953. It is an excellent sermon. I will mail copies free of charge on request. Larger quantities may be obtained by paying the cost of printing."
Luther G. Roberts, P.O. Box 165, Borger, Texas, April 28: "Brother Dean Bullock and I had made plans to begin the publication of a new religious paper. However, before these plans were developed fully the opportunity came to us to assume the management of a respected religious journal which has established itself already as a first class paper with a wide circulation. I refer to THE PRECEPTOR which has been published for some four and one-half years by a group of faithful brethren in Tampa, Florida. Since this paper so nearly coincided with our views as to what a gospel paper should be and with the type of journal we had in mind to publish we have accepted the responsibility of editing and publishing THE PRECEPTOR. Beginning with the May issue Luther G. Roberts, Borger Texas will serve as Editor, and Dean Bullock also of Borger, will become Circulation Manager of THE PRECEPTOR. The paper will be printed for the time being, at least, at Denton, Texas with Claude B. Holcomb of Corsicana, Texas assisting with the overseeing of the printing of the same. Staff writers for the paper will include those whom we had originally contacted and invited to be staff writers for the publication we planned to start. These are: Tom Warren, W. L. Wharton, Jr.. Oscar Ellison, Claude B. Holcomb, A. Hugh Clark, Ernest A. Finley, Glenn Wallace. Dow Wilson, Roy Deavers, J. W. Roberts, O. J. Russell, and Guy V. Caskey. In addition to these men we are expecting some of those brethren who have written regularly for THE PRECEPTOR to be staff writers for the paper under the new management. These will include: James R. Cope, Homer Hailey. Clinton D. Hamilton, Pat Hardeman, Bill J. Humble and perhaps a few others. Some of those who have been contributors to the pages of THE PRECEPTOR will continue to write articles for the same. The subscription price for the paper will remain the same as heretofore, that is, two dollars a year in advance: foreign subscriptions two dollars and a half a year. Address all communications concerning subscriptions, changes in address, or articles, and make all checks or money orders for subscriptions payable to THE PRECEPTOR, Box 165, Borger, Texas."
T. J. Ruble, 510 West Thompson, Temple, Texas. May 3: "Five were restored and one baptized last Sunday. The church here is doing some active work at the VA hospital here. Write us if we can contact any of your loved ones or friends."
William R. Ward Sr., 1021 Termino Avenue, Long Beach 4, California, May 6: "The Tenth and Termino congregation has just completed appointing two additional Elders and are in the process of selecting several new Deacons. We feel that this will greatly strengthen the congregation. We have had six responses to the invitation since our last report. This brings the number to 54 that have responded to the invitation during the past nine months."
Britnell-Nichols Debate
Eugene Britnell, Box 83, Tuckerman, Arkansas, May 6: "On the nights of May 23-28 I am to meet Mr. Ray Nichols, Baptist, in a six-night debate in Mountain View, Arkansas. The subjects for discussion will be: baptism, the frequency of the Lord's Supper, and the establishment of the church. Visitors can find accommodations in Mt. View or Batesville."
Connie W. Adams, 807 Daniel Avenue, Decatur, Georgia, May 5: "I assisted the church in Thomaston, Georgia in a meeting April 17-26. One was baptized. Brother Jack Frost, the local evangelist, is a very able and enthusiastic preacher. Eight have been baptized here at Glenwood Hills since last report. Paul Brock is to be with us in a meeting June 19-28."
The Elders, c/o Box 667, Alamogordo, N.M., May 4: "The church in Alamogordo, New Mexico will be in need of a preacher by July 1. This is a congregation of about 175 members in a city of about 12,000. Holloman Air Force Base is located near here, and the possibilities are great at this place. Anyone interested in the work here should contact the elders. Any one considered by them will be thoroughly checked."
Charles Elledge Hill, 2928 Dunford, Fort Worth, Texas, May 2: "On April 24th I closed a gospel meeting with the church in Decatur, Texas. It was a pleasure to work with this group again in such an effort. Seven were baptized in this meeting. Bro. Tom Walker preached in my absence at Mitchell Blvd. Several have been added to the Mitchell Blvd. congregation within recent weeks. We look forward to our vacation Bible school June 20 through June 24. Our gospel meeting is scheduled for September 25 through October 2 with Bro. Tom B. Warren preaching."
Thomas Allen Robertson. 2454 Belle Street, San Bernardino. California, April 27: "I have not sent a report to the Gospel Guardian since the first of this year but it has not been because there is nothing to report. The work here in San Bernardino continues to move forward very pleasantly. There have been eighteen baptisms and one restoration here since the first of the year. Contributions and attendance continue to remain good. Our three weekly radio broadcasts are showing a good listening audience and response. From February 20th through 27th I was in a meeting at Spring and Delta in Long Beach. California where Brother Ford Carpenter is the faithful preacher. resulting in two baptisms and one restoration. Prom March 16th through 27th I was in a meeting at Holtville. California where Brother Steve Butters labors in the Word. which had no visible results but which we trust glorified God. From April 13th through 24th Brother W. E. Irvine of Earth. Texas assisted us here in a Gospel Meeting. This meeting was well attended and the preaching was of the finest kind. As a result of this meeting four precious souls were baptized into Christ."