Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
May 19, 1955

Texas Normal Singing School

Special Notice

Recent requests have come in asking for the privilege of sending students this year to our school on the budget, or time payment plan. Since the state and other sections have suffered under a five year drouth and the late freeze this year has set-back many other, I have decided to offer to any one who cannot otherwise come the privilege of the time payment plan. The cost for room, meals, and instruction is $65.00 and $5.00 of this amount is requested as a deposit and reservation fee, the remaining part may be paid in equal payments over the six months period beginning with the opening of school June 5th.

It must be remembered that I am a preacher on an average preachers salary and not a man of big money. The teachers who work with me have expressed their interest in this plan in times past. Those who work with us are interested in helping train workers for the church. Our little school is run solely for the purpose of training workers in the church and helping congregations develop song leaders. Our school is a non-profit work and it has paid its way and kept up the equipment on the amount we charge, but we cannot operate on a smaller amount, which has been proven over the past nine years of our operation.

If you are interested in our work let us hear from you at once as school begins June 5th. Send your reservation fee, and if needed request our budget plan. Send all mail to Edgar Purr, 905 N. Cameron St., Victoria, Texas.