Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 25, 1955


F. D. Northern, Crossett, Arkansas, Aug. 13: "I have just closed two meetings at Boynton, Arkansas, and Cotten Lake, Tennessee, respectively. In each we had sixteen responses. At Boynton, H baptisms and five restorations. At Cotton Lake, 10 baptisms and six restorations, including an ex-Catholic and one from the Holiness Church. After the meeting closed at Boynton on Sunday night, the local preacher, Brother Hillburn, baptized five more making a total of 21 there. Rejoice with us in this."

Joe H. Morris, 2707 Ky Ave., Paducah, Kentucky, Aug. 9: "Just closed my eighth meeting of the year. Two were baptized. Brother Willie Harris directed the singing in his usual good way. Total results for eight meetings were 96 added. I go next to Big Reedy, Kentucky, then to Penns Chappel, Cave City, and Hardyville, all in Kentucky."

Gene Martin, Box 868, Brenham, Texas: "I enjoyed preaching in a meeting with the Salem Church of Christ the week of August 7th. Interest and attendance were excellent; one man baptized. These brethren are an inspiration to work with. I am to be with the Alba Church for a meeting the week of November 20th. Brother Gordon Cathey is the able preacher working with this fine congregation. Progress is evident. All in the vicinity are invited to be with us in this gospel effort."

Esten Macon, 211 Twin Oaks Road, McMinnville, Tenn., Aug. 8: "Three persons were baptized recently at Mt. Leo. We found the church in good condition upon our arrival from Richard City. During July, I conducted meetings at Gonce and Oakland, Alabama. Large crowds attended nightly. Two persons were baptized and one restored."

Elmer R. Gunchin, 120 Fairmont Ave., Lockport, Illinois: "The church is growing in Joliet, Illinois. One lady baptized and her husband restored recently. The small congregation of Christians here is laboring for the Lord. 0llie Duffield, Jr., is coming to work with us September 1st. The church here is a little over two years old and has forty-five members and a large field to harvest from. Now meeting in a rented hall at 214 N. Ottawa Street in Joliet."

William R. Ward, Sr., 1021 Termino Ave., Long Beach, California, Aug. 14: "The work at Tenth and Termino moves along nicely with three responses since our last report. One was baptized-87 years of age. I begin my part of the work at Prescott, Arizona, August 28th. My address in Prescott will be 120 North Mt. Vernon."