Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 10, 1955

An Elder Writes On Cooperation

Frank Reeder, Abilene, Texas

In the November 2, 1954 issue of Firm Foundation, Brother Oscar Paden has an article with the above title. Brother Paden proceeded to tell us of dangers of a plan for which we have an example in God's word and recommends a method for which we have no example in the Bible, but for which we do have an example among some churches. If we were not used to such by now, that might be shocking to some of us. If Brother Paden has more faith in "sponsoring" church examples than he has in Bible examples, he may go ahead: but excuse me, Brother Paden!

I have known some of the "sponsoring" advocates admit that the sponsoring method is dangerous and that we have no example in the Bible for it, but Brother Paden informs us that it is dangerous to use the Bible plan. That reminds me of a denominational preacher saying that it is not of "the least consequence" whether we pour, sprinkle, or immerse for baptism, but that immersion was the mode used in apostolic times. I suppose that Brother Paden never thought to tell us what is wrong in having the Lord's Supper on Thursday instead of Sunday. That practice might avoid traffic jams and save someone from being killed.

As to the pictures he drew to show us how a "non-sponsored" preacher may draw too much or too little, he failed to tell how much some "sponsored" preachers are receiving. Also about one "sponsoring" church "owning and operating" a business in another country. The report sounded like it is a really paying business. I don't suppose that they would sell it. Question: Why cannot a treasurer of a "sponsoring church" misapply funds as well as a "non-sponsored" preacher? Know to whom you are sending your money before you send it.