Forrest Darrell Moyer, 18 W. Crescent Drive, San Rafael, California, April 28: "It was my privilege to preach in a meeting in Alamogordo, New Mexico, April 16th through 26th. The members worked hard and much interest was manifested. There were thirteen baptisms and seven restorations. The church in Alamogordo is progressing well. Rollie Rankin is the preacher and is doing a very fine job. The church here in San Rafael continues to grow."
Ward Hogland, 1900 Jenny Lind, Fort Smith, Arkansas, April 26; "The church at Pine Bluff, Arkansas just closed a meeting in which I preached. Brother Leonard Tyler is doing excellent work with this good church. I go to Albuquerque to begin with the Pine and Gold congregation next Sunday. Brother James Adams just closed a splendid. meeting here at Park Hill. New records were set during the meeting."
Leslie Diestelk , 3421 Aldrich Ave. S, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 25: "One was baptized here on March 28. Billy Boyd of Racine, Wisconsin preached in our meeting April 11-18, and he did excellent work. He is highly capable and entirely sound in word and deed. Three were immersed during the meeting. Minneapolis church is in the best condition of its history, and we hope to press on."
James W. Anderson, 1215 West Dale, Springfield, Missouri, April 27: "The Johnston and Dale Church is growing. Our Bible study attendance is the highest on record; the contributions are up and interest is high. Three have been baptized. We were greatly edified by the preaching of Foy E. Wallace, Jr., April 5-11. The exegesis of the scripture was the clearest and most forceful this writer has ever heard. Brother Wallace did not, as some have stated, "continue his speech until midnight," but he came close enough that we were reminded of that scripture."
Floyd Embree, 610 E. La Deney Drive, Ontario, California, April 25: "Brother Hoyt Houchen of San Antonio, Texas closed a good meeting with us last Wednesday evening. There were five baptized and one restored and the church strengthened in general. There had been six baptized just prior to the meeting. Brother Houchen presented the truth clearly and fearlessly. He has been asked to return at a later date."
J. Edward Wolven, 218 E. 31st Street, Anderson, Indiana, April 27: "Jack L. Holt preached in our spring meeting April 12-21. He did an excellent fob worthy of commendation. Two young persons were baptized, the church was strengthened. and the meeting was well attended. Dwight Crim directed the singing capably. The cause of Christ in Anderson is growing."
Will W. Slater, Box 7178 Sylvania Station, Fort Worth, Tens, May 1: "The mission meeting in Moffett, Oklahoma, was well represented by three nearby congregations. One lady about seventy years old was baptized. One was restored. We may be able to get a congregation started there sometime in the future. I deeply appreciate the cooperation of the brethren in this work. I am to begin a singing school in Quebeck, Tennessee, May 4th, to be followed with a school at the Findly Church, near Sparta, Tennessee."
Olen Holderby, Coalinga, California, April 26: "April 11 we completed one year's work with the church here. On that date three were baptized and one restored. This brought our year's total, in additions, to more than one per week. We look forward to another good year with this fine group of Christians. The first two Sundays of our new year proved to be very joyful with record crowds and one being baptized each Sunday. I have just finished a good meeting with the Lewis and Bond Church in Fresno where Kermit Nichols is doing a good work."
W. S. Boyett, 1320 West Fourth Street, Pecos, Texas, May 1: "The meeting with the Bunavista Church in Borger, Texas, in which I did the preaching came to a close last Wednesday evening. Twenty one responded to the Lord's invitation. It was a pleasure to be associated with this good church and their preacher — Brother Dow Wilson. The work here in Pecos continues well. We averaged 247 in Bible study during April which was an all time high month. Paul Epps was with us in a singing school during the month and the congregation was helped much by his excellent instruction."
Roy E. Cogdill, Rt. 5, Box 116, Lufkin, Texas: "I am in a good meeting with Robert Pressnell and the church in Cullman, Alabama, which closes May 9th. A fine man obeyed the Gospel last night and yesterday's services established a record in attendance. I closed a meeting at Tarrant City (Birmingham), Alabama on April 27th. One was baptized in that meeting. Our crowds were much larger than last year. Robert H. Farish has worked with this congregation for about five years and has done an outstanding work. The month of April reached an all time record both in attendance and contributions in this church's history. Most of the preachers in the Birmingham area attended the services both day and night and cooperated in a fine way. My next meetings are in Danville and Harrodsburg, Kentucky, and Russellville, Alabama."
J. T. Marlin, Fourth and Elm, Sweetwater, Texas, April 30: "Forty-two responded in the meeting at Pioneer Park, Lubbock, Texas. About half of those were baptized. W. R. Jones has just moved to this congregation and we anticipate a good work. I am now with Lyle Price and the 14th and Main congregation in Big Spring. We have had one baptism to date."
An Expression Of Gratitude
Since it is almost impossible within a reasonable time to acknowledge all of the telegrams, cards, letters, long distance phone calls, flowers, and gifts of remembrance my wife and I have received since our automobile wreck March 18, I take this means, until I can do better, of saying to each one who has been so kind and thoughtful that we are more grateful than you can know or we can say. It is a wonderful feeling to know that you have so many friends who are interested and who care. We shall strive all the harder to be more worthy of such friends.
My wife is recuperating at home. She will be in a heavy cast for at least two more months and then perhaps a brace for several months but the doctor gives us assurance that she is going to be all right.
I am on crutches while my hip is mending but lost only a month from my meetings. We are both so grateful to the Lord to be alive that we feel our injuries are very slight indeed. Again, brethren, thanks so much for your kindness and thoughtfulness.
— Roy and Loraine Cogdill William O. Hall, Madill, Oklahoma,: "We have had one baptism on April 18 and one April 25."
Unusual Opportunity In Canada
George Snure, Beamsville, Ontario The city of Brantford, Ontario presents a challenge for the church. Recently, a meeting was conducted in which five people were baptized, during which the local radio station was utilized for a daily program. Since that time the program has been continued using tape recordings. This program has a tremendous listening area, covering several cities and numerous towns nearby. Much interest has been aroused already.
WE NEED A MAN TO MOVE INTO BRANTFORD. A completely new field can be opened up if a good man can be secured to move into this splendid city. If you would be interested in investigating this work, please contact us immediately.
We also need financial 'aid for this work. The radio program is being taken care of, and part of the support for the man is available, but more will be needed. If some congregation would be interested in helping in a promising situation, the elders of the church in Beamsville would be happy to supply needed information. CAN YOU HELP??
Gene Martin, Brenham, Texas: "I understand that Brother E. Lewis Case, preacher for the church in Hearne, Texas, is contemplating a change this summer. Brother Case has spent much of his time in New York in virgin fields and thus is not so well known in Texas. I have known him for some ten years, and I would consider any congregation fortunate indeed to secure his services as local preacher. He has the courage of his convictions, is a diligent student of the Bible, and an able preacher. His manner in teaching is very persuasive; his sermons are clear and rich in subject matter. He is married, has three children. His wife is a most capable help-meet. Congregations wishing to contact him may do so at this address: E. Lewis Case, Minister, Church of Christ, Hearne, Texas, Telephone 993-J."
Keith T. Thompson, Box 23, Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada, April 26: "The work has progressed in an encouraging way since the establishment of the church here last October. Seven have been baptized and one restored in the last few months. We now have a membership of eighteen. Our daily radio program is reaching thousands with the gospel who never heard it before. The nearby churches of Meaford and Griersville are supporting this program. The following churches are contributing to the Lord's work here: Jordan, Ontario; Raymond and Beecher Streets, St. Catherines, Ontario; Lewisville, Texas; South Side, Springfield, Missouri; Forest Hill, Richmond, Virginia. Individual contributors are Brother Roy E. Cogdill and his son-in-law, Brother Charles Davis, Arlington, Texas. We are indeed grateful to these churches and brethren for their faithful support. There is still a need for others to help in this work. As soon as we can locate a suitable property we hope to have our own building. Many Americans take their vacations in this area. Why not come and see us this summer?
Gene Martin, Box 868, Brenham, Texas: "The church here is very fortunate in having Brother Stanley Lovett, preacher for the Shamrock Shores Church in Dallas, preach for us in a meeting May 3-7. With a preacher of Brother Lovett's ability and love for the truth we anticipate a week of lasting results for good in the Lord's work in Brenham. We solicit the prayers of brethren everywhere, and urge the presence of all in our immediate vicinity to assist us in this gospel effort."