Fellowship In Lufkin
We, the elders of Timberland Drive Church and the elders of Fourth and Groesbeck Church, recognizing the sinfulness of division, and in an earnest effort to promote peace and fellowship between the two congregations, make this statement:
1. In the trouble that arose in the Fourth and Groesbeck congregation three years ago, which led to the establishment of the Timberland Drive congregation, we recognize that a spirit was manifested, provocative statements were made, and charges were cast which were contrary to the spirit of Christ. For all such attitudes, statements, or charges for which we as individuals, or as elders of God's church, have been in any way responsible, we express our deep regret, offer our apology, and ask the forgiveness of any whom we have wronged.
2. Specifically, we, the elders of Timberland Drive congregation, in behalf of ourselves and of the congregation, acknowledge that a letter sent by about one hundred members of Timberland Drive congregation (who were at the time of writing members of Fourth and Groesbeck congregation) should not have been sent. Although we did not intend this letter to be in the nature either of a petition or of an ultimatum, we realize that such significance was attached to it, and that this letter contributed to the estrangement between the two groups. We are now convinced that we were wrong in sending that letter. We, therefore express our deep regret, offer our apology, and ask the forgiveness of all.
3. Specifically, we, the elders of Fourth and Groesbeck congregation, in behalf of ourselves and of the congregation, acknowledge that we were wrong in permitting our local preacher to use the radio program in branding Timberland Drive brethren as the "courthouse faction" and otherwise discussing the details of our trouble before the general public of the area. In sending the letter to the Gospel Advocate and the Firm Foundation we had no intention of leaving with anyone the impression that an unsound doctrine was being taught by the Timberland Drive brethren, nor did we intend to brand Brother Roy Cogdill, whose doctrinal soundness we have never at any time questioned, as the ring leader of any heretical group. We therefore express our deep regret, offer our apology, and ask the forgiveness of all.
4. We, the elders of both congregations, declare that with the signing of this statement all barriers to full fellowship and cooperation between the two congregations have been removed. From this day forward we ask that every member of the congregation over which we, as God's elders, have the oversight, shall purge his heart of all ill-will or bitterness, if such exists, and shall freely, gladly, and in every way encourage and attend services at the other congregation when such does not interfere with duties and obligations at his home congregation, and shall seek to foster and encourage the love and good will that ought to exist between brethren in Christ and between faithful congregations.
5. It is hereby agreed that this statement shall be read from the pulpit at Timberland Drive Church and at Fourth and Groesbeck Church; and that a copy of it shall be sent to the Firm Foundation, the Gospel Advocate, and the Gospel Guardian with the request that it be published.
F.B. Thompson R. L. Stanland
Elders, Fourth and Groesbeck Church of Christ Signed:
W. B. Hutson B. L. Parrish
Fred A. Hutson Elders, Timberland Drive Church of Christ