A Clarification
Because of several misunderstandings and due to the fact that this situation has long been in the public eye, I wish to acknowledge certain mistakes and to clarify various points in regard to my relationship past and present with the Grove Avenue church. Although my convictions concerning "sponsoring" churches, extent of elders' oversight and the "College of the Church of Christ" in Frankfurt remain the same, I have come to see the following: In view of the fact that I went to Germany in 1950 with the understanding that I was under the direction and oversight of the Grove Avenue elders, it would have been the proper thing to have returned, regardless of any change in my convictions, and to have terminated the relationship in an orderly manner before seeking other support. I can see that I should have written the elders when I had my earliest doubts about the first two of the above mentioned convictions. My concern throughout was for the continuation of the Karlsruhe work and is to this day. Consequently, if it cannot be agreeable to the two churches having financed the rented facilities where the church meets that I return there, I certainly don't consider myself as indispensable to that work, and am willing to start anew in another city if this will help avoid any disturbance at Karlsruhe.
Though we felt for a time that such was the case, Grove Avenue did not leave us stranded and did provide our return transportation to the U. S. Not knowing our regular support was being delayed to be sent with transportation, I erroneously concluded that it had been discontinued. (I have since learned thot they were merely waiting for word from me, to see whether I was willing to return or not.) From the beginning our checks had always been sent in advance, at the end of one month for the next. The one for April still arrived in April though three weeks later than usual. Because other help had been received in the meantime this last check was returned.
The brethren had requested initially that I return preferably within thirty days, and I don't want to leave the impression that they "ordered" me home.
Though stated previously, I stress it again: I deeply regret and feel ashamed of the tone of my letters which were published, and don't want to leave the impression that I think the Grove Avenue elders to be void of conviction I am now convinced that they acted sincerely and according to their own firm beliefs. As some have misunderstood his actions, let me make it clear that Keith Thompson did only as I requested in sending on my letters. My mistake was in failing to request that they not be published.
I have also already stated that I am convinced that Grove Avenue and the Broadway (Lubbock) church did not act together and thus "centralized control" was not exercised by Broadway in my recall. As far as Karlsruhe is concerned, the Broadway brethren have sought neither to control or direct my work at any time. The only reason they had any connection with it in the first place was because we requested their financial aid in getting a place in which to meet. Things to which I object, or which I disapprove, do not include any attempt to control my work at Karlsruhe.
The Grove Avenue brethren have been kind to discuss this matter to the fullest with me, and though we both continue to maintain our own convictions relative to the principle issues involved, I feel sure that as brethren in Christ, seeking the most possible good for His kingdom, we have reached a point of adequate understanding.