Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 20, 1953

Statement Of The Grove Avenue Elders

Elders, Grove Avenue Congregation, San Antonio, Texas

We have accepted the above statement by Brother Richard E. Smith. Our desire all along has been to help him to see his mistakes in reacting as he did to our request for him to come home, and to help him to a more scriptural view of opinions and methods. When we requested him to come home at the first it was our desire to handle the matter in such a way as to avoid injuring him or the work in Germany in any way. For many hours we have patiently discussed with him the problems involved.

In addition to the above statement, Brother Smith has apologized to the elders at Grove Avenue for many other statements that were printed in the Gospel Guardian.

Brother Smith's statement clearly refutes the charge of "centralized control" in his recall. We knew, and he so states, that no such "control" existed.

We are glad that Brother Smith cleared up the matter of his support and of his being "stranded." His checks were regularly mailed to him around the twentieth of each month for the succeeding month. Thus the check mailed to him around February twentieth was payment in advance for the month of March. The check for April was mailed in the second week of April (Brother Smith has explained the reason for the delay in this instance) and was still payment in advance. He returned this check to us in person when he met with us the first time on May 24.

We disagree with Brother Smith on a number of points, such as "sponsoring churches," oversight of elders, the school in Frankfurt, and other items.

We have other plans for the work in Karlsruhe and, therefore, Brother Smith will not return there, although he intends to return to Germany. We have urged him to remain in America for several years and work under, and closely with, elders. We believe that he would profit much from such oversight.

We believe that we can wish no better thing for Brother Smith as he goes hence than that he keep in mind the request we made of him before he sailed for Germany more than three years ago. The request was that he belong to no one but the Lord, be committed to the advancement of His gospel and the exaltation of His church, and to keep himself free from any faction with some hobby or selfish interest to serve.

Since Brother Smith has made a statement of correction, we feel that the Gospel Guardian and the preachers who have repeated the same incorrect statements of the Guardian would do well to follow his example.