Where The Money Goes
Among the human organizations which are at least partially financed by the churches is an organization called International Christian Schools, Inc. of Dallas, Texas. They publish a paper called The International Christian with Everett R. Anderson as editor. The report tells us that they are operating schools and youth hostels in India. As individuals who may be interested in helping the needy of India, I'm sure that their heart is in the work. I do not question their sincerity. And I certainly commend their honesty in giving a full financial report. Many other such organizations are not so generous in publishing a financial report for all to read. I am sorry to see that churches contribute to such a human organization as International Christian Schools, Inc. Apparently the fact that there is no scriptural authority does not weigh upon their minds.
The purpose of this article is not to show the unscripturalness of this type of organization but rather to expose the great loss of money being sent to needy people through these big promoting organizations. You've got to pay for the promotion and the cost runs high! It is no wonder the Lord intended the direct method to be used. The International Christian Schools, Inc. was kind enough to publish a financial report. It says, End of Fiscal year ending 9-30-70
Contributions received from churches 16,736.70 individuals and others 53,194.75
Total contributions 69,931.45 Less expenses of raising and collecting principal 27.356.81
Net received 42,574.62 Less expenses of distribution and Field services. 18,837.62
Funds available 23,737.17 The point I hope that people can see is that in collecting 69 thousand dollars, over 46 thousand dollars was used up in raising and distributing these funds. Which means that something like 23 thousand dollars out of the 69 thousand dollars (or about 33%) is all that gets to the people for whom the money was intended!
According to their own figures it took 27 thousand dollars to raise the 69 thousand, leaving approximately 42 thousand dollars, but, then it took another approximately 19 thousand to distribute it. This left only about 23 thousand of the original 69 thousand that had been given for the needy in India.
We know that there is a scriptural way to do this work, but aside from that there must be a more economical way. Wouldn't it be better if the person you were giving the dollar too (to help) could get the whole dollar instead of knowing that the people between you and he were going to pocket approximately 66 out of every dollar.
I believe that the Lord's method is both scripturally and economically sound! Whereas men's methods are unscriptural and often unsound economically.
Rt. 2, Box 93 A, Savannah, Tenn.