Gospel Guardian Tell-Al- Gram
New Church In Orlando, Florida
By James P. Needham After seven and a half years with the Expressway church in Louisville, Ky., I have moved to Orlando, Fla. for the purpose of beginning a new work in Altamonte Springs which lies just North of the city of Orlando. This work is the result of long-range planning on the part of the Par Ave. church.
I had a rather heavy schedule of meetings to finish for the year, so we made plans to begin our new work on December 14, 1969. At our first meeting we had 65 present, and a contribution of $467.00. We have now been meeting about two months, and our average attendance on Sunday morning is about 70, with contributions averaging about $400 per week. We have been self-supporting from the beginning, and plan to be so even after we enter our new building, even though the Par Avenue church has agreed to underwrite the preacher's salary, if needed.
The Par Avenue church has made long-range plans for this new work. They bought and paid for a $23,000 lot, and transferred about $54,000 to the building fund when we began. We have just received our plans for our new building, and hope to have it under construction within the next few weeks. The auditorium will seat 270, with 10 class rooms, preacher's study and work room. Cost is roughly estimated at $80,000.
The new building will be located at 600 Palm Springs Drive in Altamonte Springs. We will be located just North of Highway 436 which is a very busy outer belt to the East of Orlando. We will be just East of where Highway 436 intersects Interstate 4, North of Orlando. We feel that this is a splendid location. Already large development programs are under way in our area, both commercial and residential. The map will help you locate us when corning to our city.
This will be the location of our new building. We are presently meeting in the Woman's Club of Casselberry, which is about 3 miles East of our lot.
The Palm Springs Drive church is made up of a wonderful group of people. We have a fine spirit of enthusiasm and cooperation, and we are determined to develop this into one of the finest works to be found anywhere. We hope you will visit us when you come our way, and pray for our prosperity in the work of the Lord. 1600 Oneco Avenue, Winter Park, Florida 32789.
NEWS REPORTER FOR FOREIGN FIELDS: We are pleased to announce that PAUL BRANCH, 1613 5th Street, Palmetto, Florida 33561 will serve as our news reporter for foreign fields. There is a great need for news from overseas works to be presented regularly before American brethren. Brother Branch has a keen interest in the various fields overseas. He will serve well in the presentation of reports and items concerning various works around the world. We request all who publish bulletins and reports about overseas works to send them to brother Branch. Also, he will be glad to receive letters and information for publication. Let's all cooperate in this endeavor so brethren can know what is going on overseas.
ROBERT A. BOLTON: "For your 'pleasure' I report that, — brethren generally are very enthusiastic about the 'New Look' in makeup and content of the Guardian. Congrats! Keep up the good work."
A GREAT NEW PUBLICATION — NOTICE OUR BACK PAGE AD — "The New Testament Church Today" is now ready for mailing. This book written by Lloyd Moyer and published by The Gospel Guardian Company is different from anything on the market. It is designed for classroom, home and private study. It is also an excellent sermon outline book. It is unique in that it offers in addition to general outlines on major subjects a listing of problems with solutions. You will like it. Single copies sell for $2.00 each. When 5 or more are purchased in one order they are only $1.50 each. Order now from The Gospel Guardian Company and you will be pleased with what you receive.
M. F. MANCHESTER: Six baptized in January and two restored. Marked Tree, Arkansas.
APOLOGIES TO JIM MIDDLETON: A couple of weeks ago we published a poem by brother Jim W. Middleton, Sr. of Bridgeport, Texas. We neglected to list his name as author. He didn't complain about this, but we wanted to correct it anyway. The poem was entitled the "Unseen Hand" and appeared in the February 5 issue of the Gospel Guardian. We will carry poems from brother Middleton regularly.
SOLD OUT — Yes, we are sold out; but, we will have some more. The orders for William Barclay's "FLESH AND SPIRIT," have been coming in so fast we cannot keep up with them. In fact, we have reordered three times, to fulfill the request, and we are still out and have a stack of orders about — that high.
If you had planned to order one of these books but did not; then, you need to sit down NOW and do so. The reason for the tremendous request for this book is: IT IS A GOOD ONE. If you doubt that I am telling the truth, ask any preacher of the Gospel and he will tell you about it; yes, it is this good. So, order yours today. You will have many hours of wonderful study and meditation. (Carl A. Allen — Order From The Gospel Guardian Company)
It is difficult to refrain from reminiscing on passages from "Roughing It" by Mark Twain when entering the state of Wyoming. From the West one must pass through the Mormon stronghold of Utah, with all the thrilling history of early struggles between Mormon settlers and our pioneer forbears entrenched in every plain and valley. Brownish-red brick structures with signs announcing "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" bear mute testimony in every town and village to the tremendous influence of Mssrs. Smith and Young. Surely in the minds of Christians making the journey through this enigmatic land, barren, salt parched, high plains, multi-colored canyons carved in desert land, majestic mountain ranges clothed in nature's garment of green, capped with crowns of white and rolling foothills etched with orderly marks of the modern plow, the thought of the cause of Christ comes rushing to the fore. How have gospel preachers fared in this land of Moroni? Hidden among all the forces of worldliness and cultism, are there brothers and sisters in Christ, patiently holding forth the word of life, here perhaps in Salt Lake City, there is Provo or maybe in the little hamlet of Saint George? But, no time is allowed on the trip to Wyoming to stop and search for fellow Christians, besides how could we hope to locate those of like precious faith when no clues of their presence are in evidence? An agonizing experience notwithstanding the exhibition of God's handiwork with every mile driven.
Fifteen hours of hard driving rewards us with an entrance into Wyoming, unostentatious and uneventful as Interstate 80 threads through craggy bluffs and stretches into miles of rolling ribbon. Green River and Rock Springs are built in unlikely terrain out of coal miner's necessities. Streets in Rock Springs still follow the old paths worn by thick boots of miners as they trudged to the dark caverns before daylight and returned again after the sun finished its circuit. These streets, those frame houses are slightly familiar, and memories of a week's labor in the gospel almost a decade ago among God's people press for attention. Sitting in the living room of an aged coal miner and listening to his tales of mine horses and cave-ins in exchange for a brief plea of the cross, talking with a modern Boron miner and his wife of a son who has lost interest and riding in a pickup to job sites with a modern contractor as we talk of Jesus and his church are all memories that claim part of my past. As we pass through Rock Springs I am conscious of the fact that for the past five years no contact has been maintained with those brethren and all inquiries have been fruitless.
One hundred miles further east brings us to Rawlins and a few short miles thence to Sinclair, the home of my parents. Ethel and Homer Light moved to Rawlins in 1961 and began worshipping with the church there. During the period of time they were with the Rawlins brethren an old brick school building was purchased and renovated to serve as a meeting place. They invested many hours in physical labor and more in spiritual activities. They painted, scraped, sanded, carpentered and (more essentially) studied, prayed and taught. While they were at Rawlins the church attended to its own business and left off the worldly activities that characterizes our age, mainly through the influence of Mother and Dad.
In 1963 I held a meeting at Rock Springs. The church there had been troubled with liberal Texas preachers trying to involve them in unscriptural activities and had divided. The preacher, John Pitman, had been under fire from preachers all over the state attempting to get Rock Springs to line up in the liberal camp. The sound brethren retained the building, but bro. Pitman was forced to leave shortly there after due to insufficient support. For several months Homer drove to Rock Springs and preached for them until the weather became too severe to allow safe passage. During this time another preacher was secured for Rawlins who stood firmly in the "old paths." Reports from my folks indicated that all was going well and God's truth was being maintained. But in 1966 the preacher at Rawlins suffered a heart attack and passed away. Another preacher was secured, over the Light's protest, who had inclinations to lead the church in institutionalism. His efforts finally led to a confrontation with Dad when he publicly advocated putting the orphan institution in the church budget. Homer asked for pulpit time to reply to his arguments, and at the conclusion of the service the Light's were withdrawn from for their convictions. The brethren at Rawlins were admonished to associate with the Light's, but to refrain from "talking scripture" with them. Mother and Dad have been meeting in their own home and trying to maintain the ancient order of things for the past two and a half years.
At present the outlook for the cause of Christ in the vicinity of Rawlins is not too bright. A public meeting could be secured if it were not for the inconvenience of Homer's job. He is frequently out of town and sometimes out of state for weeks at a time. This leaves no man to conduct public services. Attempts have been made to encourage those who have sound convictions to meet with the Light's, but to no avail. Plans at this time call for the use of a correspondence course and local newspaper advertising. It may be that solid contacts can be made to teach Christ to residents of Sinclair and Rawlins, but it will involve slow and painstaking labor.
This last Thanksgiving (1969) my folks visited us and we talked of the work in Wyoming. We spent several hours discussing possibilities for the cause of Christ with the elders here in Sunnyvale trying to find some way to assist the efforts of the Lights in that state. The problems they face do not hinge on financial considerations (I have found brethren everywhere very willing to give liberally to the work of Christ there) but upon the difficulties of reaching the people with the gospel plea. Such things as canvassing the town, holding a meeting, mailing literature, setting up home Bible studies, advertising in papers and the possibility of a tent meeting were all discussed. I am persuaded that the business of locating a good preacher and supporting him in Wyoming is the least of all considerations. If a potential could be demonstrated for that area it would be relatively simple to secure support for the right man. It is this matter of finding the potential and being able to assess it properly.
We have been thinking of holding a tent meeting in Rawlins during the summer months and attempting to contact all the christians possible within a hundred mile radius in addition to newspaper and radio advertisement. In talking to brethren here in California about an old-time tent meeting in Wyoming I have been amazed at the reception of the idea. Every family without an exception has stated that they would gladly drive to Wyoming and spend a week of their vacation in such an effort. It may be that brethren from all over the states would be willing to personally go to this state and give a week of their own vacation time to help plant the precious seed of the kingdom. Obviously, there would be no "central" church coordinating the effort or sponsoring it in any fashion. All advertising and pre-meeting contacts would be made by the Lights. The only thing needed would be a tent and a date in the summer that would allow good weather.
I would be very much interested in hearing from brethren in this regard. If there are christians in that area that others know of it would be profitable for the Lights to know of them. Some contact could be made and perhaps a good work could be started. Their address is: H. H. Light, P. O. Box 253, Sinclair, Wyoming 82334. Several years ago I heard of one or two preachers who still had tents that were usable for meetings, but I have forgotten who the men were. I would like to get in contact with someone who had a tent available.
The country in Wyoming is wild and untamed. Sheepherders still live in the hills with their flocks, cowboys are in abundance on every street and the wildlife thrives in boundless mountains, fields and valleys. The cities are comparatively small and the population sparse. The wildness of the country and the severity of the weather has tended to "toughen" the people and increase the difficulty of preaching the gospel. But the gospel has a way of taming the wildest. 933 Bernado Ave., Sunnyvale, California 94087.
RALPH JOINER — Wisconsin Report: Wisconsin is a state with a population in excess of four million. To carry the gospel to all these people, there are but nine faithful congregations and only three of these are self-supporting. There are few full-time gospel preachers and those that are there labor to the extent of their abilities, and often beyond, and yet souls are going to their eternal destinies without opportunity to obey the gospel and be saved. Brethren, we must, at all cost send workers into this bountiful harvest. The church in West Bend has asked me to come and work with them and I feel I must go. This congregation consists of nine saints and is the only church in this city of 15,000. They are able to provide $100 a month in support, therefore I will need an additional $600 a month to move there. Wisconsin needs the gospel. Are we to deny them the opportunity to hear and obey and be saved? If you are interested in helping in this most deserving work, write: Ralph Joiner; P. O. Box 1501; Titusville, Fla. 32780; or call: 305/267-7778. Suitable references furnished on request.
HOMER HAILEY FINISHES BOOK — Homer Halley, probably one of the more popular faculty members among alumni, is finally realizing one of his dreams, and is taking a few minutes out of his busy schedule to do some writing.
He has almost completed a book on the Minor Prophets, and plans to write others on Old Testament Poetry, Revelation, John and the Major Prophets. Vice President Halley is able to do this writing because this year he is teaching only a half-load of classes, and uses his off days at home writing and studying. — F. C. Alumni News REPORTER — ROBERT A. BOLTON
Preaching The Word:
California: The North Fifth Street East church in Lancaster conducted a special series of lessons on January 26-27 with the local preacher, OTIS MOYER, speaking on the following subjects: "The Problem of Intoxicating Liquor And Drugs" and "Bible Answers To Distributed Seventh-Day Adventist Tracts" — FLOYD THOMPSON, of Fairview in Garden Grove, at Highland Blvd., in San Antonio, Texas, February 1-8 — The schedule of ROBERT TURNER, of Burnet, Texas, includes the following meetings: at Seminole Drive in San Diego, February 9-15; at Colinga, February 16-22; at Ontario, March 2-8.
Preachers On The Move:
California: JOHN COFFMAN, of Crescent Park in Odessa, Texas to Seminole Drive in San Diego, California — CLYDE O. GOFF, of Seminole Drive in San Diego to Palm Springs around March 1.
Douglas, Arizona — January 16, 1970: For several years, Bro. CHARLES F. HOUSE has done extensive work among the Mexican people on both sides of the border between the United States and Mexico. In connection with this work, a report is published each month entitled: "Along The Far Western U. S. — Mexico Border." Bro. House writes: "For those desiring the report, please send your request to Box 1031, Douglas, Arizona 85607. I have 150 copies to send regularly, free. My subscription to the Guardian is now paid thru March 1978. It is a better paper than ever before in every way." CHARLES F. HOUSE BY THE WAY: "How does a man dry dishes? Before you look this up in 2 Kings 21:13, find out by experiment — if a lady, bribe a man some way or other to dry a few; if a gentleman, sneak into the kitchen and see how it goes!"
Why Hath God Put Me Here?
God hath put me here to labor;
There is much for me to do.
I'll adhere to all His precepts As my journey I pursue.
God hath put me here on business;
I'm in business for my king.
He desires that I should serve Him And much fruit unto Him bring.
God hath put me here in pleasures;
All His words fill me with joy.
I will ever love and praise Him, And with songs my tongue employ.
God hath put me here in sorrows;
Not so much my own may be, But perchance I find a brother
Lost upon life's troubled sea.
I can surely help another;
If perchance with loving care, Or by teaching him the gospel
That's why God hath put me here!