Floyd D. Chappelear Preacher Moving
David Tant, Snapfinger Road, Atlanta, Georgia: After six years with the church at Snapfinger Road, he will be moving to the Emory Hills congregation at about the 1st of August. (Emory Hills is also in the Atlanta area.) The Snapfinger Road church is also in need of an evangelist. Write them care of Theo Buselmeier, 2327 Clifton Springs Manor, Decatur, Ga. 30032.
James L. Denison, Box 481, High Springs, Fla. 32643. On June 9, 1968, I will begin work with the Henderson Blvd. congregation in Tampa, Fla. Any correspondence after that date may be sent me at the church's address of 3402 Henderson Boulevard, Tampa, Fla. 33609, until further notice.
Church Standing For The Truth
Jack Gibbert, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (R.R.1) 29577: I am happy to report that the church in Boliva, N. Carolina is just 54 miles north of Myrtle Beach has taken a stand for the truth. The liberal church in Wilmington has brought pressure to bear on these saints but they are holding up. I will be preaching for them May 12 both morning and evening. Paul Nagy, the faithful preacher in Newport, N. C., will be holding a gospel meeting for this group from the 2nd to the 8th of June. We would like to see brethren from all over North and South Carolinas come out at least one night of this meeting and meet these brethren. They number about 30 to 40 at this time and show prospects of growing. The entire congregation is standing for the truth except the preacher and his family, which goes to show that not everyone is a preacher-follower. From the latest report it appears as though we may be able to reason with the preacher and if so he will also take his stand for the truth. Brethren, pray for this group's faithful stand.
Upcoming Gospel Meetings
Jack Gibbert, June 10-16 in Abbeville, South Carolina, where Paul Johnson preaches...James L. Denison will be with the Gap Road church in Batesville, Arkansas, beginning June 23. Bro. Denison reports an eight day meeting in Mayo, Fla., with two baptisms and two restorations.
Public Debate
There was to have been a public debate with brothers E. H. Miller and Jack Gibbert participating. The debate was to have been held in Walterboro, S. C. on the 14-17 of May. The debate was concerning the use of one container and ONLY one class when the church comes together to study God's word. Brother Gibbert denying both propositions.
R. J. LaCoste, 6801 N. 60th Avenue, Glendale, Arizona: The church which meets at 6901 N. 60th Ave. in Glendale, Arizona 85301, is in need of a preacher and wishes to hear from anyone interested in the work. Contact the elders at the above address for more information.
George Pennock, 720 Shelborn Drive, Owensboro, Kentucky: We have all but reached our goal of $8000.00 which will permit us to return to the work in Nigeria. Brethren who are interested in helping in that great field, and want to continue in contact with it should contact James E. Link, 13065 - 110th Avenue N. E., Kirkland, Washington 89033. Let me express our deep appreciation for the wonderful generosity the brethren have shown, and their confidence in me and my work. It is truly heartened us for the return to the Nigerian field.