Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 25, 1951

The Overflow

Ernest Beam - Symbol Of Softness

In this issue and two or three to follow, brother James R. Cope has something to say about the vagaries of brother Ernest Beam of California. Brother Beam himself is certainly not worthy of so much attention; he has long since forfeited whatever influence he might once have had among true disciples, but his philosophy of appeasement, softness, and sectarianism does deserve some attention. Too many congregations have an element within them who are sympathetic to such ideas, however little they may know or care about Beam himself.


Apologies To Fudge

In a letter in the Guardian of December 21 was a reference to brother Bennie Lee Fudge which brother J. C. Reed wishes to withdraw. He says, "A visit with brother Fudge makes me believe that he was not trying to defend the conditions in Africa, but feared the wheat might go with the tares" if efforts were made to expose the mess over there. Brother Reed further states that he believes John Hardin, Waymon Miller, Guy Caskey, George Hook, and Boyd Reese, are sound and faithful men, and that premillennialism in Northern Rhodesia should not discourage the brethren from supporting and standing behind those men in Africa who are loyal and true.


Advice To Young Preachers

As you know, we are working on a biography of J. D. Tant. We are coming across lots of material that is interesting, but which would hardly find its way into a biography. In this issue and three or four to follow, we are giving some articles from him on "Advice to Young Preachers." We feel this is particularly appropriate now inasmuch as the Guardian is going to all the preacher students in the colleges operated by our brethren.


From Dallas

On this page some four weeks ago we stated that brother Eugene Smith was a member of Pearl and Bryan in Dallas. Comes now a handful of letters telling us that Eugene changed his membership recently to (hold your breath!) . . . Oak Cliff. Yes, that is the same congregation that only a few years ago was receiving the full fire fury of Gene's tongue and pen. Oak Cliff has not changed, but br-r-r-other, has Gene changed!


Poetic Justice

And while we're on the subject we night as well report that Oak Cliff has had another of her periodic "e;spells." At fairly regular intervals in that congregation they find it helpful to fire some of the elders and appoint new ones. This "majority rule" procedure was first resorted to some years ago when the elders were trying to remove brother Oliphant from the pulpit at Oak Cliff. It has become a fairly common practice there since. One humorous feature of the matter is that those who lead the rebellion against the elders in one instance are usually appointed elders themselves—and they in turn become the victims of the next uprising. Sort of poetic justice in that.

Hollywood Wedding

Hollywood is that place where two people march down the aisle to say "I do," while both of them keep looking over the shoulder to see if they could do better.


Sin, Sickness, And Psychiatry

Brother Ira Y. Rice, Jr., recently made public confession that he had "become strongly attracted to certain of the women-folk other than my wife," and had indulged in certain 'liberties" which were not becoming to an evangelist. He says he has placed himself under the care of a psychiatrist. Well, that sort of stumps us. There is such a thing as mental sickness, and there is such a thing as sin; and they are not the same. If brother Ira is suffering from the first (as his treatment from a psychiatrist would imply), his confession was unnecessary and out of place. One does not need to make public confession for sickness. If his trouble is sin instead of sickness, however, he has gone to the wrong kind of doctor for help. The Great Physician is the only one who can help that condition; psychiatrists are simply in the way.


Short - short - short story
First chapter: His roadster he praises.
Next chapter: He speeds like blue blazes.
Third chapter: Some liquor.
Fourth chapter: Lights flicker.
Last chapter: He's pushing up daisies.

— Jack G. Dunn


Spiritual Adultery

We've heard a new one. Seems one of the deacons in a certain congregation objected vehemently to radio preaching of the gospel because, as he said, "that would be spiritual adultery." Pressed for an explanation, he declared that radio preaching was "sowing the seed promiscuously to saint and sinner alike." (Editorial comment: No comment. We're speechless.)


Doctor Of Latin, Logic, And Learning

We had thought brother Whiteside's elementary lesson in Latin would have given pause to our Dr. Brewer in his addiction to the use of "ad hominems," "et tu, Brutes," and "Cerebuses." But an LL.D. isn't easily discouraged, and the good doctor's articles continue to bristle with Latin, literature, and logic—the last named being exactly equal to what brother Whiteside revealed about the first two.


Does Nashville Need Help?

We see where the Potter Orphan Home at Bowling Green, Kentucky, has had to give shelter to three little boys who were found in Nashville, Tennessee, "destitute, cold, hungry, and homeless during the recent snowstorm and sub-zero weather." Aren't the Nashville churches able to care for their own orphan children? Does "Jerusalem" need help??? Are the demands for relief there so heavy that the brethren could not give these suffering youngsters the care they needed?