John G. Reese, Box 2063, Vernon, Texas, July 24: "I worked in a fine meeting at Bowie, Texas, the last part of June. There were eight baptisms. Ross W. Dye baptized two before I got there. He is doing an outstanding work there. Our work at Houston and Pease Streets here in Vernon is in fine shape. There have been a few baptisms, and eleven to place membership recently. Yater Tant begins a meeting here on the first Sunday in August."
E. D. Green, July 24: "Both services were well attended yesterday. One lady made the confession of her faith in Christ and was baptized following the morning service. We are happy to report that peace and harmony prevail in the Del Rio congregation. It seems these folk try to get along and work well together in advancing the cause of Christ in this community."
Will W. Slater, Box 7178, Sylvania Station, Fort Worth 11, Texas, July 24: "The meeting in Bridgeport, Texas, resulted in two restorations, and good done otherwise. I was invited to work with them. Just closed meeting in Delaplaine, Ark. Seven baptisms, one had been a Methodist 50 years. I taught singing there 35 years ago, baptized my first converts and performed my first marriage ceremony there. Many changes since those days. This leaves me with the Arnold Church, Swifton, Ark."
Cecil B. Douthitt, Box 67, Brownwood, Texas, July 24: "Three were baptized, two placed membership, and one was restored in the meeting at Zephyr, Texas, which closed last night. I am beginning this morning at Blanket, Texas, and on the fourth Sunday in August at Corsicana."
Dean Bullock, Box 61, Bellaire, Texas, July 25: "Four adults have been baptized, and two have identified themselves with this congregation during the past few weeks. I will be in a ten-day meeting at Shady Grove, Texas, near Gilmer, beginning August. 4. John Bullock, my brother, will direct the singing."
A. Chester Grimes, 1548 Heights Boulevard Houston 8, Texas: "Four baptisms, and one placed membership at Heights last Sunday morning. All five were adults. We rejoice in this victory for Christ. The Heights congregation has recently selected additional elders and deacons. They only had two elders and six deacons. Three of the deacons were made elders and three additional deacons were selected."
W. E. Brightwell: "Three placed membership at Herty Church at Lufkin Sunday night."
Floyd A. Decker, Box 705, Haynesville, La., July 25: "Since my last report I have been in meetings at Troy, Ala., Montgomery (Highland Garden), Ala., and Monroe, La. Am now in a good meeting at Vinemont, Ala., and go next to Woodson Chapel, near Nashville. I have not decided on a location for this fall."
Harold V. Trimble, Columbus, Miss., July 16: "Four were baptized during the Hamilton meeting. I begin today, a ten-day meeting at Lone Oak."
Max L. Johnson, 410 S. College, Tahlequah, Okla., July 24: "There was one baptism here yesterday."
A. Chester Grimes, 1548 Heights Boulevard, Houston 8, Texas, July 18: "It was decided in a meeting last night to improve the property of the Church to the extent of twenty-five or thirty thousand dollars. This would include air-conditioning the entire building and installing an elevator for the benefit of the elderly and infirm. This building was built back in the days when the auditorium level was placed high above the ground—to be exact, seventeen steps above the entrance level. This congregation has been quite liberal in the past and at present, in preaching the gospel, and in benevolent work, away from home; we are now including the home evangelization in our program. Not to the exclusion of that away from home, but in addition to it. We think we can do both, and that we are obligated to do it."
Earl Fly, Friendship, Tenn.: "I preached in a mission meeting near Cedar Grove, Tenn., from July 9 to July 20, which resulted in four baptisms, and one restoration. This was my third year for a mission meeting at this place. The Christians there meet at Spring Creek, about six miles away. James Needham, who preaches at Roellen, Tenn., directed the singing in a splendid way and also helped in the personal work. He is a good worker and very zealous. We plan to go back next year."
Jack L. Holt, Cookville, Texas, July 28: "Charles A. Holt Jr., of Mount Pleasant, Texas, recently closed a fine meeting with the church here in Cookville. Eighteen were baptized, and four restored. Last night marked the end of a meeting in Hagansport, Texas, in which the writer preached. Two were baptized."
Thomas F. Shropshire, Post, Texas: "I am interested in an arrangement with some congregation for regular preaching work. I would prefer to remain in the western part of Texas or in New Mexico or Arizona. However, I would consider work elsewhere. I am interested only in work with a congregation that believes in worship, work, and organization according to the New Testament pattern.
Rufus R. Clifford, Old Hickory, Tenn., July 27: "One baptized last Lord's day. I began a meeting at Shackle Island last Monday night. Bob Winstead is directing the singing."