The Box In The Vestibule Again
The question is not whether the collection is made at one time or another, or in one manner or another, is it? The real question is whether it's a personal or a congregational matter. It would be the same, it seems to me, even if we were to wait until after dismissal, and then tell all who desire to give for any good purpose to hand it to a certain person, or persons. If the thing is managed by the elders or other responsible persons of the church, as a church work, what difference does it make HOW it's collected? Is it the New Testament work of the church, or not? That, to me, is the only question. (But of course I believe that the New Testament teaches that the collection is included in the worship.)
If persons want to contribute to any good work that is clearly NOT taught in the New Testament as a responsibility with which the church is to be "charged," then let them send contributions direct; not through the church treasury, or treasurer. Then there would be no room for anybody's objection.
It's clear that persons are to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and keep themselves unspotted from the world, which is pure religion (James 1:26, 27). It's clear as day that Galatians 6 refers to personal work or responsibilities. Gal. 6:10 simply gives the conclusion for especially verses 7-9. If anybody wants to stumble if you'll study II Tim. 1:16-18 and Philippians 2:25-30, and other passages, you will certainly see that persons did contribute to the support INDIVIDUALLY to those who taught them the word of God. Let's abide "in the teaching of Christ," and not yearn too much for unity, unless it is unmistakably the unity of the Spirit.