Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 24, 1966
NUMBER 29, PAGE 8c-9a

The Church And Denominations


The church of Christ is not a denomination. This is difficult for most people to understand. But when one sees the divided state of the religious world today, it is little wonder that he thinks of religion in the denominational sense. A thing denominated is a thing divided into several parts. And so it is with the religious world.

But why isn't the church of Christ one of these parts and just another denomination? The answer will come from an analysis of the thing divided. In reality there are but two churches under consideration: the church of Christ and the church of man.

The church of man has human origin (the founders were human) and it is divided into hundreds of parts. These divisions are what we call denominations. They all wear human names, submit to human authority and follow man-made creeds for their doctrine, worship and terms of admission. These are what divide them.

On the other hand, the church of Christ has divine origin. Its founder was Jesus (Matt. 16:18). The Lord's body (church) is not a part of anything, nor is it divided. It is one (Eph, 4:4) and it is whole (Eph. 4: 16). It is the spiritual institution for which Jesus shed his blood (Acts 20:28) and wherein all the saved are found. The church of Christ wears a divine name, submits to divine authority and is obedient to divine law in doctrine and worship. The terms of admission are simple. When the believer is obedient tothe gospel the Lord adds him to His church (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38-47).

The tragedy is this: the church of man (denominationalism) claims to get its various doctrines from the Bible. Many are deceived. They obey man's law and join the denomination of their choice. The church of God's choice is overlooked, and divine requirements are not met and the Lord does not add them to His body which contains the saved. They remain in their lost condition.

Dear friend, are you a member of the church of man or the church of Christ? Remember, only Christ has the power to save your soul. This is a sobering thought and should motivate you to examine God's will and the identity of His church in the Scriptures. Be not deceived. Obey the gospel. The Lord will add you to His church. And it is not a denomination.