Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 24, 1966

"There Is No Vision But By Faith"

Pryde E. Hinton

Recently, when I taught our Wednesday evening Bible Reading Class, I saw the following printed on the blackboard: "God is living, and is hiding in Argentina." I drew a line through part of this and wrote in the following: "and is being hidden by the people of the U. S. A. "

Once a man said of Brother Jim Turner (Rex Turner's grandfather), "He is a Campbellite." Another said, "No, he's a camel without any light." Brother Jim quickly replied: "You are blind and can't see the light." This is true of too many people!

According to Romans 1:16-25 some people thought, and doubtlessly some still think, that God is either dead or has been replaced by false gods. "And their foolish heart was darkened," so that they cannot SEE God; for He is "invisible" (Col. 1:13-15).

But sometimes people who have been purged from their old sins become blind and cannot SEE afar off (2 Peter 1:3-11). They see not the "unseen things above" (2 Con 4:16 through 5:10). "There is no vision but by faith!"