Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 3, 1964

Nigeria Calls Again

Leslie Diestelkamp

Brethren are generally aware of the amazing growth of the Lord's people in Nigeria in recent years. Many brethren are also aware that three faithful Americans are now working in the Western and Mid-western Regions of that fruitful field, namely Paul Earnhart, George Pennock and Jim Sasser. But you may not have heard that two of them (Earnhart and Pennock) will have to return to America next spring.

Robert E. Speer, 56 Washington Rd., Bourbonnais, Ill. has now volunteered to go to Nigeria. By next year he will be thirty years old, will have preached a dozen years or more, much of the time in hard places here in America, and will be completing two years of good work with the Bradley, Illinois church. Robert is sound in faith, in doctrine and in life. The cause of Christ in Africa deserves his help, and ours in sending him there. Robert needs your help now to enable him to fly to Nigeria in June. Why not send a substantial sum to his travel fund, or send monthly to him, beginning now or the first of the year, so that it will accumulate for travel fund by the time he leaves, and then, if possible, continue to send to him while he is in Africa?

Every field deserves workers. Every worthy worker deserves our help. I detract nothing from any other work when I say you cannot engage in a more fruitful work anywhere than in Nigeria, where people are truly hungering for truth and where preachers are used to the fullest of their strength to preach and teach Christ to multitudes. Just as many of you sent once and again unto me while I was in Nigeria. I plead that you send to brother Speer NOW — either personally or by suggesting this to the church where you worship. Write brother Speer now.

1833 Ivy Lane Aurora, Illinois