Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 24, 1963

Freeman - Hodge Debate

Glen W. Lovelady

This writer served bro. Jack Freeman as moderator in a debate in California this past July. The subject debated was "Provision made for the Lord's Supper to be served in more than one assembly of the church on the first day of the week." This article is brief and not intended to be a complete account of the debate since bro. Freeman has prepared a tract on this subject which will soon be available.

There are a number of erroneous views concerning the Lord's Supper being made available in more than one assembly of the church on the first day of the week:

1. One preacher says that such is sinful. (Tommy Hodge).

2. One preacher says that such is not sinful because it it is not the Lord's Supper.

3. Another says that it is just the "left overs."

4. One says that it is just the "scraps."

5. Another says that it is just a "snack."

Brother Freeman did an excellent job in exposing and answering these false doctrines. It is a shame that some brethren have challenged the right of the Christians to do exactly what the Lord commands him to do. Brother Freeman presented some questions which should solve this problem: (1) Does the New Testament authorize the church to make it impossible for Christians to obey the Lord or to teach, encourage and make it possible for Christians to obey the Lord in the assembly of the church? (2) Are disciples authorized to break bread? (3) Is the first day of the week the authorized day? (4) Are the authorized elements bread and fruit of the vine? (5) Is more than one assembly of the church on the first day of the week authorized?

Brother Freeman pointed out that there is no such thing as "the only one God called assembly," but that an assembly of disciples Sunday evening is just as much an assembly of the church as they would be on Sunday morning. A chart was introduced showing the practice of many churches of Christ today:

Sunday Morning Assembly Sunday Evening Assembly

Who? Disciples Who? Disciples What? Came together What? Came together

Where? Assembly Where? Assembly When? First of week When? First Day of week

Why? To break bread Why? To break bread What Sin Is Committed By Those Who Partake Sunday Evening?

Neither bro. Freeman nor I uphold the abuses of the Lord's Supper either Sunday morning or Sunday evening, but we do believe that the Christian has the right and obligation to obey the Lord's commandments.

— Fontant, California