Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 22, 1963

In Louisville, Kentucky

Cecil B. Douthitt

Twelve years of work with the Haldeman Avenue Church in Louisville, Kentucky, ended in 1948. We now have moved back to Louisville for another period of service with this fine old church.

Since leaving here fifteen years ago I have served as "regular preacher" for churches in Brownwood, Texas, Fort Smith, Arkansas, and High Springs, Florida, This invitation to come back to Louisville is the greatest honor I have ever received from any church in all my 49 years of preaching ministry. An invitation to come back 15 years after ending 12 years of service! How could any church bestow a greater honor upon any preacher? I do not feel worthy of such honor, but I am deeply and sincerely grateful for such a generous expression of confidence. My chief desire now is to do every thing within my power for the furtherance of the cause of Christ in this area, and I shall try hard to make my efforts such that these brethren will never regret their letting me come back among them.

The true church of our Lord is much stronger in the Louisville area than when I left here in 1948.

About five or six faithful congregations were all that could be counted then. Now there are seventeen. There were more Pre-millennial churches in this area fifteen year ago than those sometimes called anti pre-millennial. Although five or six churches have been carried away in the tide of liberalism, digression and institutionalism within the last ten years, yet the seventeen true churches outnumber the liberals and the pre-millennialists combined.

Our address in Louisville is 712 Victoria Drive, Louisville 7, Kentucky. I wish all the preachers who have been sending me their bulletins would make this change of address on their mailing lists.

My grandson, Cecil G. Douthitt, and his wife, are still operating our publishing business in Fort Smith, Arkansas. All orders and other communications pertaining to "Douthitt's twelve books for all Bible classes and home study" should be addressed to Douthitt Publishers, P.O. Box 752, Fort Smith, Arkansas.