Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 12, 1961

The Modern Pattern

Pryde E. Hinton, Dora, Ala.

The brethren of Western Canada are following the pattern set by brother Benson: the best way to establish the cause of Christ in an area is to start a first-rate Bible school or college! This one, "Western Christian College," has begun with Benson's standard. Their literature sent to me says:

"1. Western Christian College is the only school of its kind in all Western Canada — an area of 1,119,752 square miles.

"2. In all of Western Canada there are approximately 1,100 members of the Church of Christ.

"3. There are as many Catholic Priests in Western Canada as there are members of the Church of Christ.

"4. There are fourteen Evangelists in an area in Western Canada that is four times the size of the state of Texas.

"5. Each year many students at Western Christian College become Christians. These students are the future leaders of the Church in Western Canada."

I believe that individuals have a right to establish and operate a secular school, and teach the Bible as a part of its curriculum. But I doubt the correctness of calling such a school a "Christian College." I also doubt if such a school or college can long remain "private." Brethren soon begin calling it "our college," and say that it is indispensable to Christian character, and that the students thereof are the hope of the church in the future! So it is soon asking to be supported by the churches from their treasuries. And it, with the help of its sister schools, is now controlling a majority of preachers and churches in this land. When I say "it," I mean any such school.