Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 12, 1961

I Corinthians 12:14-31 --- 1961 Style

Jesse M. Kelly, Tulsa Oklahoma

14 For world evangelism is not one ministry, but many.

15 If local evangelism shall say, Because I am not the Herald of Truth is it therefore not also of world evangelism?

16 And if the Christian Colleges shall say, because I am not a sponsoring church, is it therefore not world evangelism?

17 If world evangelism were only Christian Colleges, then what would become of the children's homes? And if world evangelism were only children's homes, then where are the hospitals?

18 But now hath the Lord led us to give proportionate support to all these ministries through the cooperative program.

19 For if we supported only one ministry, then what would happen to world evangelism as a whole?

20 But now we have many ministries, but all receiving proportionate support through the cooperative program.

21 And the Herald of Truth board cannot say to the Christian Colleges, I have no need of thee, nor again can the children's home boards say to the sponsoring churches, I have no need of you.

22 Nay, much more those ministries which seem most unimportant to some, are also necessary.

23 And, those ministries in the world evangelism program which we may think less important, these too deserve our support.

24 For while support for some ministries in our world evangelism program are highly favored, God has led us to give them all proportionate support through the cooperative program so that none may lack.

25 That there be no injury to the world evangelism program as a whole but that the various ministries should give supporting care to each other.

26 And if one ministry suffers from lack of support, then all ministries suffer with it. But if each ministry receives its proportionate support, then all the ministries work together effectively to carry out the Great Commission and everybody rejoices in the spread of the Gospel through cooperative efforts and institutions.

27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and institutions in particular.

28 And God hath set some in the institutions, first promoters, secondarily professors, thirdly peddlers of influence, after that divisions, then gifts of propaganda, boards, conclaves, diversities of meddlers.

29 Are all institutions? are all promoters? are all professors? are all peddlers of influence?

30 Have all the gift to divide? do all meddle? do all belong to boards?

31 But covet earnestly the best gifts, and if anyone tries to show you a more excellent way quarantine and ostracize him; have nothing to do with him unless and until he makes a confession in the Gospel Advocate!