Book Reviews
$1.00 SERMON LIBRARY, Baker Book House. This consists of, at present, fifteen booklets of sermon outlines selling for one dollar each. Many readers will know that I am not very fond of sermon outline books in general, but I can say that these are surely as good as any I have seen. Most of the material is usable and can be of service to preachers who like to get their sermons in that manner, but more especially to the brother who is called upon once in a while to deliver a sermon, though not engaged in preaching regularly. The four books of this series which I have examined are: "Gleanings From God's Word" by Apostolon, a collection of miscellaneous outlines, rather detailed, and nearly all showing much thought and careful study. There are three sermons here on "What God did Not Know" in the past, present, and future; two sermons on "The whole duty of man" and many others, about fifty in all. "Food For the Soul" is another by Apostolon and also contains fifty outlines. The sermon on "Emotions that cry for expression" looks good to me, as it suggests that the believer should express hatred for sin, love for good, and gratitude for blessings. Two sermons in this book on "What a Christian should be" are taken from the beatitudes. "Seeds for Sermons", by Appelman, is about what its title suggests, not full outlines but just thoughts, apt expressions, and succinct comments that occur to the author as he goes through the Bible in order, hook by book. There is some good material here, but it is in my opinion the poorest of series that I have seen. "Sermon Outlines on The Gospels and Acts," by Brown, contains a good homiletical treatment of the best texts in the first five books of the New Testament. Most of the parables and miracles have at least one outline treating them. The outline on "The Need of the Hour" has some good points about attendance at church services that both the preacher and the pew could profit from.
For those who can profit from the use (and there is a legitimate use) of sermon outline books, these are recommended. They can be ordered through the Gospel Guardian, Box 980, Lufkin, Texas.