Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
March 2, 1961

Help Needed In Shreveport

Earl Hartsell

Dear Brethren, About ten months ago we set out to establish a congregation in Shreveport, La. that would stand soundly for the truth. We saw a great opportunity to work to build up a congregation of the Lords people in this city of 180,000 and to snatch some from liberalism, modernism, and institutionalism which is rampant in the seven congregations in the Shreveport, Bossier City area.

From only two families at the beginning we have grown to where we have from twenty to twenty-eight in attendance, the latter being the most we have had. For most of this time we have been meeting in a Union Hall at 3850 Linwood Ave. on Sunday and Wed. at our home, as the building is not vacant on Wed. evenings. We have just recently discovered a building which is for sale and we believe it will be a great asset to the cause here. Also the Union Hall will not be open to us much longer due to certain regulations of the Co. insuring the Hall.

This building which is brick and completely furnished with pews, classrooms and air conditioning and other incidentals can be bought, we feel, for around $18,000. The building is in good condition inside and out and will seat about 150 persons. It also has a baptistry.

The reason that it is to be sold is because the Christian Church group which met there had a split and broke up. The Christian Church Association will not let either group have the building. They put it for sale to anyone else. We are the only ones who have approached them about the building in the 5 months that is has been for sale, so they have come down from $25,000 that they were originally asking to $20,000.

We have not committed ourselves to buy the building yet, but we would like to make them an offer, which we can do with a little help from other faithful brethren. Our present contribution with only four male members runs at about $85 to $100 per month. We would need about $150 more per month. This is not a begging campaign and we are not asking to be in your "5th Sunday Budget." But we do need your help to establish a sound congregation in this city.

I am presently preaching for the group here and working at Sears and Roebuck. The congregation is paying me $20 a week. If you are able to help pay my support or $50 to $100 per month, or any part of it, toward helping us get a place to meet we will do all that we can with the Lord's help to make it renowned to God's glory.

For references concerning me, and the work here, you may contact the elders of the churches at Oak Grove (Logansport, La.) or Haynesville, La. which are the two nearest congregations which have remained true to God's plan for unity. Also brethren Gilbert Copeland of Beaumont, Texas; Al Payne of Columbus, Miss.; Roy Cogdill and Roy Stevens.

I will be most happy to visit you and discuss more fully the work here with you at my expense any Thursday night if you are within 200 miles of Shreveport. You may call me at ME 5-4163 collect or write to Earl Hartsell 3503 Elon St., Shreveport, La.

A brother in Christ,