Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity

Watch And Pray

C. R. McRay, Sioux City, Iowa

It is recorded that our Lord admonished us to "watch and pray" five times in the New Testament. There are many things for which we must watch and pray, but consider carefully a thing in which we today should be very diligent in watching and praying.

We now have a president-elect who is a Roman Catholic. Whether or not he has meant what he has told the American public has been a source of much discussion and writing. Of course, the only way we can absolutely determine whether he used his "Catholic-given right" (not God-given) to mentally reserve the truth (that is, to tell a lie to accomplish his purpose) is just to watch and see the result. We must also pray without ceasing that "pressure" will not be brought to bear upon him and us as we teach the truth in this land. We can thank God as we pray that as of now we can worship in freedom; but our liberty or freedom of speech, is being threatened, to say the least, by the Roman church. And many are deceived into thinking Mr. Kennedy can remain completely loyal to the Catholic church and uphold the constitution of the United States at the same time.

Here we must stop and notice a few things for which we must watch and pray that they do not happen, nor bring outside pressure (from a foreign power in Rome) upon the American way of life, thereby restraining us from preaching the truth without fear of the loss of this liberty, yea, even the loss of our very lives.

According to a report by Freedom, (P. O. Box 25652, Dallas, Texas) immediately before the election, we find we already had 19 Catholics in the House of Representatives and 12 in the Senate. With the addition of a Catholic president, and who also has the power to appoint many other Catholics to places in government, including the Supreme Court Judges, we are in more danger than ever of having in the not too distant future, control by Catholics in our government. If this becomes the case, such men could change our constitution to suit their desires. This is no doubt the end to which they are working. It can be seen as we watch, to see who is appointed as Supreme Court Judges in the possible five out of nine reaching the retirement age within Mr. Kennedy's administration.

"America is bound by the ruling of the Supreme Court on — any matter. The Supreme Court Judges as well as the Federal Judges are appointed by the president. The term of these offices is for life." Even though we might not like the decisions, we must abide by them. They are the ones to determine what the constitution means, and could change the entire meaning of our constitution to suit their purposes, even defining freedom as the right to preach only Catholic teaching without fearful consequences. Since "the Roman Pontiff is a very powerful religious and political dictator", and "his control has no boundary line," (The Sacred Canons, Vol. 1, Pg. 282) could he not extend his influence to the U. S. through these judges who are appointed for life? Certainly so! But we pray it will not happen!

In short, watch very carefully this administration. If things go as promised, without pressure from Rome, then give our president your full support, but WATCH, for we can elect another president in four years. Most of all, PRAY that things will be maintained in harmony with God's laws, and the constitution of this great country. "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (James 5:16) Yes, indeed, watch and pray!