Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity


B. M. Strother, Bonham, Texas

Time is the measuring reed applied to earthly things. God is not so limited, hence the statement that a day is as a thousand years, or a thousand years as a day — with him. In the creative period, as darkness covered the face of the deep, light was first created. Then a unit of time fixed — the evening and the morning were the first day. The light was called day or morning, the darkness called night or evening. Six times was the evening and the morning called the day. (Gen. 1) This fixed principle as to time was as lasting as the next law laid down in Genesis 1; that all living shall produce after its kind, or the marriage law of Genesis 2; that man was to leave father and mother and cleave to his wife. Despite these fixed divine laws, inventive man sees fit to ignore or set aside, by his own inventions.

As to time, man says the day begins at 12 o'clock midnight, and ends at 12 o'clock midnight (legal time). In traditional time, he begins the day with morning and so ends it. If the second law does not hold true, then Darwin may be right in saying life does not produce after its kind, so we may be descended from the ape. The third law on marriage is as grossly abused, as for any and every excuse this bond that man was not to put asunder, is broken.

Time began when God said the evening and the morning were the first day, and ends when Christ delivers up the Kingdom to the Father, (1 Cor. 15) or when the angel with one foot on land, the other on the sea, declares that Time shall be no more. (Rev. 10)