Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
September 15, 1960

News And Views

Charles A. Holt, Box 80, Florence, Alabama

News Of Moves

J. R. Pope is now with the Southside church in McAlester, Oklahoma. He follows William Wallace there.. ....R.A. Ginn has moved from Meridian, Miss, to labor with the church in Trussville, Ala. Charles G. Caldwell, Jr. is now with the church in Columbus, Georgia James Moore is now living in El Reno, Oklahoma, where he is employed at the State Prison to teach manual training. He also preaches for a small congregation in or near Oklahoma City... Gary D. Swain has moved from Dallas to Garland, Texas... Bill Cavender has

moved from Port Arthur, Texas, where he labored with the Thomas Blvd. church, to Greggton, Texas We all deeply regret the tragic death of Sidney Astin, who was the preacher at Greggton, Texas. Sidney had a brain tumor which doctors told him would bring insanity. He had kept this to himself. Seemingly such was the case and Sidney realized that it was taking place. He felt he could not bear the pain, and misfortune, neither did he want to impose such on his family, so Sidney took his own life. Sidney was a good man and a fine preacher. He loved and preached the truth. We offer our sincere sympathy to his wife and children in their loss Travis Ferrell has moved from Houston to Pasadena, Texas.

Let me urge you to read the article in this column entitled: "Get Them Out of The Building," by Foy L. Smith, of Dallas. It appeared in the Firm Foundation, August 16. I rejoice to see one of Foy's ability and reputation "open up" in this fashion. He is a capable preacher and a fine writer. He surely knows that there are many digressive inclinations and practices among the brethren today. He must be aware of the dangers we face along these lines. Why he, Leroy Brownlow, Eldred Stevens, Johnny Ramsey, and others like them have not positively spoken out against such, is hard to understand. Of course, they do not have to join us "cranks," as they would call us, nor write for the GG; but, at least, they need to get in the fight against innovations and digression before it is too late. I know they still believe it is wrong for churches to support the schools and colleges among us, but they need to speak up in opposition to this. All around them this practice is taking more definite shape and as Foy wrote a few weeks ago, an all-out effort will be made to put this practice over. Don't just beg the brethren not to do it for their own financial interest — that they will get more money if they don't! Let them take their able pens and show the brethren promoting such that it is wrong. Why do they not do it? Are they afraid of the consequences? Well, there will be some serious consequences and reactions if they do — and they know this! In the first place, they will be branded as "antis" and this would nearly be unbearable! Second, it would somewhat "impair their usefulness' among the promoters of liberalism. No doubt their appearances on the college and school lectureships would cease. Third, there would also be the telling result of opposing church support of one human organization (colleges) while allowing church support of another (Boles Home). It is difficult (impossible, actually) to oppose one and justify the other. If they do not think so, just let them try it. They would "catch it" from all sides if they did In Foy's article (below), he may have reference to the Sunset Ridge church in San Antonio, Texas, which recently purchased a building from the Odd Fellows, and it had chimes, an organ and a piano--all of which they are keeping! Guy N. Woods defended them in it. I reported this matter in this column and made some observations about it. Of course, I was not as sweet and gentle as Foy in what I said, but we said about the same thing. Well, I was "ripped into" by many and called about everything. Let some of them "get after" Foy now. Of course, what I said was plain and the message got through, which may make a difference. Perhaps, since Foy called no names, his message will not have much effect and will be passed over with hardly a notice. Read what he says about bringing the instrument of music into the building for weddings and funerals. He states what I believe about it exactly. I just can't say it as nice. However, what he says along this line is pretty pointed and it should get through to all who will read it. Come on, Foy, join the fight. Give us more... Along the same line, allow me to commend to your reading an article in the same issue of the FF, by Leroy Brownlow. It is called, "Urgent Needs In The Church Today." If the FF keeps printing such articles as these it will again get back toward really being the Firm Firm Foundation.

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Get Them Out Of The Building

Occasionally, our brethren in different sections of the country have an opportunity to buy a fine building from denominational people who, for one reason or another, are selling it. They usually get a good bargain, and I rejoice when such is the case. They nearly always get a bit of extra equipment; namely an organ or a piano, or maybe both. This equipment that is peculiar to other religionists is not peculiar to us. So, our brethren get rid of it.

I well remember a written sermon by brother E. M. Borden, Sr., on mechanical music in the worship and how it divided the Lord's church several years ago. It happened in St. Louis. Our brethren bought a building from the sectarians that had an organ in it. They draped it off and did not intend to use it. But, one morning when some of the brethren who had some convictions went to the building, they heard the organ going. It kept on going, despite their pleas for the authority of the New Testament and the unity of the church. Out of the division came what is today known as the First Christian Church. The "convenient" organ draped off and left in the building, plus weak brethren, caused it.

Now, I know that an organ can be brought into a building for either a wedding or a funeral and not constitute worship. But, I want no part of either! You try to explain that to outsiders who are looking for something to use as criticism and see how far you get. Churches should be able to furnish good choral music for both weddings and funerals. We teach vocal music, and should have the best to be found anywhere. And, no music is as fine as vocal music when rendered right. If we want an organ for weddings or funerals we should go to the places where such is in order, a public hall, or a funeral chapel.

My humble advice to brethren who buy buildings that have organs built in them is this: get rid of them as quickly as you can, even before you move in. If you can't sell them, call the wrecking crew! Just get them out! Don't throw yourselves open to criticism and the temptation to use them. Someone will want to use them. Make no mistake about that. An elder's wife said once as she sat in a Methodist church: "I just think we make too much ado about the music question anyway." There are some in every congregation who would welcome the mechanical music for neither can they see any harm in it.

Buy your buildings, brethren, but get rid of the organs, pianos, chimes, and everything else that can be the most dangerous stumbling block you ever put in your own or another's pathway. Get them out and keep them out. Use a mechanical instrument for a wedding on Saturday night and then try to tell the same outsiders on Sunday night just why we don't use it in our worship to God. Your words will be as "sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal!"

Nashville Notions

The following paragraph was taken from THE NASHVILLE BANNER, July 16, 1960. It appeared under the column "Churches are News:"

Fogarty Brothers Plan Triple Header Sunday

Fogarty Brothers heading into final week of their big tent revival in southeast corner of state Fairgrounds No service tonight — auto races too noisy, but triple-header for Sunday Community sing starts 3 p. m. with James Greer, Ed Warren and Greer Hendon directing Special youth panel at 4:30, made up of Ed Neely Cullum, instructor at David Lipscomb College; Damon R. Daniel, principal of David Lipscomb High; Wayne Hammontree of American Educational Life Co.; Carl Pelitier, director of Youth Hobby Shop; J. C. Moore, assistant to Pres. of George Pepperdine College, Los Angeles; and Jay Smith, Pres. of Christian Family Book Club. Bob Fogarty will be MC... Windup will be short movie made by Pat Boone. Dan Fogarty doing the preaching at 7:45 p. m., with Jack Fogarty presiding. Daily 7:45 p. m. schedule (except Sat.) runs through July 24. Approximately 50 of Nashville area Churches of Christ sponsoring meeting hills so there are no collections.....

You said it, sir, you said it! When a dog bites a man it is not news, but when a man bites a dog it is news. Just so, when the church enters the world with the gospel of Christ it is not news, and such procedure and practice have seldom been considered worthy of recognition in even a rural newspaper, but when the world enters the church — at least that which proposes to be the church — it is news.

Look at the report, read it again, very carefully. A so called gospel meeting, with a "special youth panel," through which a hobby shop and two colleges, all of which are human organizations, are emphasized and publicized, to the final degree. Then, the "windup," and, undoubtedly, that is the appropriate term under the circumstances, "a short movie made by Pat Boone."

In the evening Dan Fogarty was scheduled to preach, and, no doubt, he had an abundance of information and great spiritual resources from which to draw, providing he listened attentively to the discussions of the afternoon session.

Contrary to this new ideology, which is having such a revolutionizing and devastating effect upon the majority of the "Churches of Christ," God would have those who are more advanced in age to influence and direct youth, and not youth to direct itself and others. The Bible reveals both the fallacy and the folly of the popular notion that youth must be segregated and regimented in order to occupy its place and achieve its purpose in the church.

The apostle Peter wrote of the beauty and blessedness of the association of youth and the more matured — the older — in the church of our Lord. (1 Pet. 5:15) Paul asserted his personal authority, with reference to Onesimus, in view of his being "such an one as Paul the aged." And the son of Solomon, Rehoboam, proved that the wisdom of his father was not born with him, by seeking and following the counsel of the young men, the companions of his childhood, in preference to the knowledge with which the years of experience had endowed the old men of the kingdom. (I Kings 12)

But today, in the most crucial period of the church in modern times, the elders in so many congregations have subjected themselves, and committed Christ's cause, to the whimsical ideas of the adolescent and immature. Instead of teaching the younger to fear God and keep his commandments, they are allowing others to cause them, and those for whom they are responsible, to follow after the doctrines and commandments of men. And the schools are not failing to take advantage of the opportunity thus afforded them by such inexcusable negligence and infidelity. They are diligently and, on some occasions, almost defiantly, projecting their schemes and systems into the churches — schemes and systems which their faculty members learned at the feet of pious professors in denominational seminaries.

Yes, "Churches are News," but we shall watch and wait, and hope and pray, for the news that many, if not all of them, have turned back to the good news — the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ — and away from the puerile, meteoric movements which they have borrowed from the digressives and the denominations. And, again we plead, God speed the day!

— Charles M. Campbell, Franklin Rd. Bulletin

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This Is The Way To Do It!!!

Some of our brethren who are ON THE MARCH, without much regard for WHERE they are marching have suggested the following for our "Sunday Schools."

First off, select a supervisor. Of course he will need an assistant supervisor. Now divide the group into pre-school, primary, junior, intermediate, young adults, and adult departments.

Now appoint a supervisor for each of these departments. This will give you six more "officers." There must be an assistant for each of these supervisors. We must then elect a secretary for each of these six departments.

Now we are ready to divide each department into classes and select teachers for each class. Each of the teachers will need an assistant. Too we will need a visiting teacher to assist the teacher and assistant teacher. And of course each class will need to elect its own class secretary.

Now of course we must have an education committee. And a telephone committee must be selected. Then each class can arrange its own committees.

The supervisor will guide the planning of parents meetings and socials. Editors note: What part do the elders play in such an arrangement? The elders! Who are they???

You know, as Jimmy Durante would say, "We have created a FRANKFURTERII!"

Oh yes, I grant you, they are doing a LOT more than the editor is doing. But what he does, he will do it within the framework of God's organization and not in such an arrangement as described above.

— A. C. Grider

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I often hear of Christians that dance, and try to defend their practice. Who could be so foolish to say that a movement to music is sinful? I know of none who so claim! And yet, many oppose dancing. I wonder why? I think that the picture was drawn fairly plain in an article that recently appeared in one of our daily papers. I will quote it in full: (Donald Willis, preacher)

'Don't Dance With Hubby' By Olga Curtis

New York — (WNS) — Should a wife dance with her own husband? Mrs. Arthur Murray says "NO."

"I only dance with Arthur because I have to, professionally," dark-haired Kathryn Murray admits with a grin.

"No wife should ever dance with her own spouse — it only brings out the worst in your nearest and dearest."

The petite, perky TV star's rule against putting Mr. and Mrs. together in a waltz or a cha-cha-cha is based on her belief that "love doesn't extend onto the ball-room floor."

"When a wife gets up on the floor with her own husband, she doesn't say 'this is a lovely party' or 'my, you dance divinely.' She says 'why did you take that third drink?' "

"And no husband is going to compliment his own wife on her perfume, her dress or her dancing. He knows her too well."

Mrs. Murray, who whirls with Mr. Murray each Monday night on NBC-TV, says you mustn't judge Mr.-and-Mrs. dancing talent by them.

"We're pros." she explained, smiling. "If you ask me whether husbands and wives dance better together than with other partners, I have to say no.

"When a married couple come to us for lessons, we frankly advise them to take separate lessons if they can afford it.

"You just don't concentrate on being a good partner with your spouse. You sort of let down — it's only your husband. And men feel the same way — they don't try to be winsome with their wives."

Most couples, Mrs. Murray added, would have more fun at a party if they forgot that old rule about "first and last dance with the guy that brought you," and skipped dancing with each other.

"Dance with anybody who asks," she urged. "Let's be honest, it's stimulating to dance with a new partner.

"I'm 52, and I still like to dance with a man who tells me I'm witty and charming and gay and all of that. My husband isn't going to; he's heard it all before, and I can't be a bombshell to him after 33 years of marriage."

With that theory, it must be lots of fun to be Mrs. Arthur Murray and dance with different handsome men all the time.

"On TV I dance," Mrs. Murray sighed. "But socially I'm a wallflower.

"Other men don't ask me to dance because they think I'm much too good for them.

"And when I'd be glad to dance even with Arthur just to dance, he never asks me. He's always much too busy dancing with other women!"

— THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE, via Bulletin, West End church, Houston.