Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
July 23, 1959


J. G. Savage, Lewisville, Texas: "The church which meets in Lewisville closed, last night, June 24th, a successful gospel meeting with James W. Adams of Oklahoma City doing the preaching. In the words of another brother who recently wrote concerning a successful gospel meeting, we know that this meeting was successful because it was planned and designed to please God; the gospel was preached; the PURE gospel was preached and the local members had the proper attitude toward the meeting. Brother Adams' love for and devotion to TRUTH, his knowledge of God's word and his ability to proclaim it in a spirit of love is unexcelled in our day. This was his second meeting with us and he was invited to return for another such effort in 1961. The interest shown by neighboring brethren and the support of preaching brethren was certainly a source of encouragement as visitors were present at each service. The congregation was edified, strengthened and builded up in the most holy faith and each of us was made to realize more fully our responsibility as Christians.

On June 22nd brother Victor H. Sellers completed one years' fruitful labor with us as regular preacher; he and his family are loved, respected and appreciated by all as devoted Christians. During the year we have grown, not only in number, but especially in grace. We are at peace; we love the Lord and the church which meets in Lewisville is "on the march;" that is, we are "earnestly contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" and we are dedicated to the preservation of New Testament Christianity in this community."

A Brief Report

W. Curtis Porter,-P. O. Box 195, Monette, Arkansas: "On my trip to California in November, during which I visited my doctors for the annual check-up, I spoke seven times for the Poplar St. Church in Montibello, California, where Bro. Wright Randolph preaches regularly. Also I spoke five times for the church in Ventura, California, with which Bro. Voyd Ballard labors. And five times for the church in San Pablo, California, where Bro. Jack Freeman is the regular preacher. All of these services were enjoyed very much. On my way home from California I spoke at the Sunday morning service of the church in Las Cruces, New Mexico, on North Miranda St.

Upon returning home I moderated for Bro. Edgar Dye in his debate with a Bro. Brown from Texas on the issue of institutionalism. The debate was conducted for four nights, Dec. 2 through Dec. 5, at the Brown church near Bay, Arkansas This was the first debate for each man, and they conducted themselves on a high plane. Bro. Dye did a good work in opposing human organizations to do the work of the church.

After that I went to Benton, Illinois, and moderated for Bro Aubrey Belue, Jr., in a debate with 'W. G. Reese of the Christian church. They discussed the subject of instrumental music in Christian worship. It was the first debate for Bro. Belue, and he did a good job in opposition to the use of mechanical music in the worship of the Lord. This debate also ran four nights and was conducted in the month of December.

On March 3 to March 5 I spoke three days on the lecture program of Florida Christian College at Tampa, Florida. On March 19, I spoke on the lecture program of the Air Base church at NewPort, Arkansas. I returned to Florida for a four nights' debate with Albert Garner at Ft. Meade, Florida. This was conducted from March 30 through April 2. It was an interesting encounter. On Sunday preceding the debate, I spoke for the church at both services that meets at Lake Weir & Oak in Lakeland, Florida. Bro. Thomas G. Butler is the preacher for this congregation. Following the debate I preached the rest of the week through Sunday night for the church in Ft. Meade. Bro. Jerry Eubanks labors with this congregation.

From April 10 through April 19 1 assisted in a meeting for the Valley Station, Kentucky, church, meeting on Dixie Highway, with which Bro .Earl Fly labors as regular preacher. From May 3 through May 13 I assisted in a meeting for the Central church in Owensboro, Kentucky, where Bro. James P. Needham preaches. From May 31 through June 7 I was engaged in a meeting with the church in Mulvane, Kansas, where Bro Judson Woodbridge in the preacher for full time. In these meetings we believe that much good was done.

I am now in a meeting with the Second & Chestnut congregation in Rogers Arkansas. Bro. Charles Boshart is the regular preacher here. The meeting is off to a good start and will run through next Sunday night, June 28. After a few days at home I will begin a four nights debate in Portales, New Mexico, with P. D. Ballard, Missionary Baptist. 'This debate will run from July 7 through July 10. From July 17 through July.26 I will be with Bro. C. C. Nichols and the Mt. Olive congregation near Fayette, Alabama, in a gospel meeting. On August 21, I am scheduled to begin a meeting to run through August 30 with the church in Monticello, Kentucky, where Bro. Earl Robertson labors as regular preacher. From Sept. 13 through Sept. 22 I am to be in a meeting with the congregation in Birmingham, Alabama, where Bro. Gardner Hall labors. And I am to begin a meeting on October 4 with the Hessville church in Hammond, Indiana. Bro. W. E. Bingham is the regular preacher there. Other arrangements are under way.

Between meetings, when at home, I have preached at regular appointments for churches at Caraway and Rector, Arkansas, and at Kennett, Missouri.

John Bullock, Box 726, Farmersville, Texas: "During the past few days two have responded to the gospel call. I am to preach in a meeting at Myrtle Springs, Texas, July 6-12."