Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
July 23, 1959
NUMBER 11, PAGE 12-13a

Spacepower, By Donald Cox And Michael Stoike, Published By John C. Winston Co., $4.50.

When I bought Chambers Encyclopedia of eight volumes, I was but a lad, I thought I was prepared to learn something about everything in the world I lived till it was difficult to give that set of books away. Seldom a day passes that I do not see a "new word", and a new book telling me about something discovered, or a new book describing a new invention; and were I to pass it by, and the additional ones that will come I would be lost in daily conversation.

We live a long way from the means of transportation Adam had. Not only do we have laws of transportation on the land, but in the air also. The world is on its toes to learn what will come from having a port on the moon. How long will it be, before we will be buying space in the air to build our residence?

You do not wish to be behind in your information about what is being known about "space?" This is one of the books you will need. Do not delay in securing a copy.

MAN AT HIS BEST, By Leonard Cochran. $2.50, Abingdon Press. Cloth Binding.

The author, Dr. Cochran is of a Methodist family, having three brothers who are preachers, and a sister who is a Missionary in Japan; and has been highly appreciated by his Church, having served as a member of Conference, also on the Missionary Board.

In this book he divides it into two parts. The first about Christ, and then his lessons on "Man" are most delightful. The problem of what one will do in life, and why? Keep in view what you wish to accomplish. See the many conveniences you have we did not have. Secure a copy of this book, and join the great army of men determined to happier world.

POWER IN PREACHING, By W. E. Sangster, $2.25, Abingdon. Cloth Bound.

The successful preacher must believe "with all his heart" the message he takes the people. Have you checked up what it means to believe with "all your heart"? Philip was dispatched on the road leading from Jerusalem to Gaza, where he met a man of importance under Candace of Ethiopia. The man was in his conveyance returning to his home, reading the Bible. Can you visualize the man, a man of high standing riding along the highway, reading the Bible? What would be your reaction were you to see, and hear one of the officers of our country riding down the road, reading the Bible ? Philip had joined the officer, and as they journeyed they came to water, and the officer seeing the water, inquired about being baptized. Philip made answer: If you believe with all thine heart, you may. The man declared did, and chariot was halted, and the two men went down into the water, and the officer was baptized went on his way. It is said in the King James translation that he believed with "all his heart." (Acts 8) What is it to "believe" with all "all your heart" One believes, thinks, reasons, knows, loves, purposes, by the promptings of the heart.

The days you spend on earth are not the total of your life. Do you hope to be with the Lord in the great over-world. Do you hope to be saved. Hope is composed of: Forecast — one never hopes for something he does not expect; expectation and desire" The way you are living now: Do you expect to be saved? Go hear the minister preach the gospel.

Preaching the gospel is making known its truths; living it is showing its fruits.

OUR NEW RELIGION, An Examination of Christian Science, By H. A. L. Fisher, $2.50.

This book by the Rt. Hon. H. A. Fisher, giving a biography of Mrs. Eddy, the originator of the Christian Science cult of religion is interesting from the beginning to the close of some 80 pages of the book; and the remaining 100 pages he devotes to answering the grounds on which the system is placed.

In my opinion this book deserves a place in the library of every minister, as well as every person who is interested in knowing about Christian Science, and being prepared to help those who have embraced the system. It will be difficult for you to put the book down, when you begin reading it, till you have the last word.

Often one writing about a religious system he does not believe, three creeps into the composition some very "sharp" words. Not so in this book. Write for a copy.

LIVING GOSPEL HYMNS, Compiled by Carl A. Gardner, 75 cents, C. A. Gardner, 2205 Primrose, Ft. Worth 11, Texas.

Prof. Eiland spent a busy life teaching and writing songs throughout Texas, and was known by those who loved Gospel songs, and rendered singing. Prof. Eiland gave his life to teaching and writing songs. No one man, 50 years ago was better known, nor loved more than he in the field of teaching vocal music.

Ready now is a small booklet of 100 songs, with the notes, and you will be certain to secure the larger book so soon as it is ready. You will love the Eiland songs, as did the people who knew him, and heard him.

TEACH US TO PRAY, By Charles Francis Whiston, The Pilgrim Gress, Boston, Massachusetts.

Yes, all Christians Pray, they talk to their Father, Jehovah, and that is, what they do in praying. Many people are backward in "leading" a prayer in public. In this book there are a number of short prayers which you may use to guide you in praying. I suggest that you do not try to use the prayer, by committing them to memory, and then repeating, word for word the prayer; but let the thought become yours, and then express in your own words the thought. Remember you will be talking to Jehovah, and not to the people in the audience. It may be well if you speak the words of your prayer softly when again you pray, and it will be easier to speak them so the audience can hear. Tell the leader of the service to call on you to dismiss the audience, and the first time you may say: "Attends us in separation, Father, we beseech in the name of Christ. Amen."

JEROME'S COMMENTARY ON DANIEL, $3.95. Translated by Gleason L. Archer, Jr., Baker Book House Jerome is one of the "Church Fathers", and was one of the early writers. He died in 420 A. D. The student in College should have a copy of this commentary. It will assist him much when studying the Book of Daniel as found in the Old Testament. Yes, it has a place in my Library, as do many other OLD BOOKS. This book is now for the first time in English. You should have the book if you are to study the book of Daniel in your course in Bible College; too you should have Josephus, and a Translation of the Old Testament made by Hebrews if you expect to contact the Jews in your personal work.

TALKS TO YOUNG PEOPLE, By C. B. Eavey. $1.75, Baker Book House This is one of the "Minister's Handbook Series" Published by this firm, each book different, containing talks of various subjects, all along religious and moral lines. The talks are such as can be used for short talks, but chock full of thoughts needed by people continually. They are splendid for men who are not accustomed to making public talks, as well as those who are often called rather unexpectedly for a short talk. Some talks are religious, and often you find one such as you would like to give and intersperse with some humor. You will enjoy the book. Some speakers have a copy sent as they come from the press — several each year.


Seven different men, selected and assigned each a Sermon on the "Seven Words On The Cross: C. H. Spurgeon, W. L. Spielman, James Stalker, C. H. Spurgeon, James Burrell, Charles Simeon, James Stalker.

This book is the fifth in the series of Minister's handbook series which is published several times each month, different books each time. Some subscribe and have the book sent them each volume, as it comes from the press. Full length sermons. $1.75 per volume.