Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 4, 1958
NUMBER 31, PAGE 12-13

The Overflow

F. Y. T.

Why not?

We were startled the other day to see a huge bill-board sign in Oklahoma City advertising the "Southern Christian Insurance Company." But, on second thought, why not? If some men can start a "Christian college" and others can start "Christian Youth Camps" and "Christian Orphan Homes" and "Christian Homes For Aged" and "Young Men's Christian Associations", why object to a "Christian Insurance Company"? We still get a chuckle every time we remember how the late G.H.P. Showalter used to refer to the "Christian Wildcats" of Abilene Christian College as the "Christian Tom-cats".

Three ways of greeting

J. D. Tant was in a debate with a Dunkard in Niotaze, Kansas, in the 1890's. This man charged that the "Campbellites" did not believe in "the holy kiss". To which Tant responded: "Certainly I believe in the holy kiss. Paul taught there are three ways to greet one another: by letter, by hand, and by the holy kiss. I believe in all three of them. But the Dunkards try to legislate where God did not, and say that men must kiss men, and women must kiss women. I believe in the holy kiss; but I refuse to let you tell me who I can, and who I cannot, greet in that fashion. I'll do my own choosing." The biography, "J. D. Tant — Texas Preacher" is now being mailed out. Price, $4.00. Order from the Gospel Guardian, Box 980, Lufkin, Texas.

Added qualification

A Georgia church not long ago was desirous of adding several new deacons to their list. The elders (all of whom incidentally just happened to be masons) presented their recommendations of some eight or ten names to the congregation. You've guessed it! Every man they named was also a mason. Also, oddly enough, one man who was already serving as a deacon was declared to be disqualified, and was removed from office.

By some queer coincidence, he happened to be the only man among the deacons who was NOT a mason. Figure that one out, if you can.

Component parts, constituent elements

"Major premise: If marriage is an institution of love; Minor premise: And love is blind; Conclusion: Is it not true that marriage is an institution for the blind?" (So you, gentle reader, think you could do a better job of editing a paper than most editors? Well, what would you do with such as the above? Waste-basket? We did — and somebody fished it out and laid it on the editorial desk again. So, here it is!)

"Baptism and coffee fellowship"

We got a newspaper clipping from New Mexico not long ago stating that a certain new congregation in that city (Church of Christ congregation, that is) planned shortly to be meeting' in their new $90,000.00 building, and would celebrate the opening by "a baptismal service followed by a coffee fellowship." No doubt they met in the "banquet hall" — a new name for the "fellowship hall" — recently proposed by one of the ACC faculty members. We approve the suggestion; it will clear the air a bit, and let all of us know exactly what is proposed and desired in the so-called "fellowship" halls. Or maybe they ought to be called "coffee halls."

We'll skip a week

As is customary with us, we will publish no Gospel Guardian the final week in the year. But will start off the new year with some of the best material we have ever printed. So check the expiration date on your label, and renew if necessary. Also, how about sending in a club of new subscribers? This is a gift that lasts all year.

"Nothin' till I calls it"

At a big league baseball game not so very long ago a terrific argument broke out between players over whether or not a certain pitched ball had crossed the plate. Some were yelling "strike"; others were bellowing "ball" — and the umpire settled the rhubarb with a loud roar: "It ain't NOTHIN' till I calls it — and then it's what I calls it!" Which is exactly the position of the Catholic Church relative to the Bible. So far as they are concerned the Bible teaches what they say it teaches! Thus far, in nearly two thousand years, they have given their "official interpretation" to only about eight verses. All the rest of the Book, as per their view; is an absolute blank.

Review of Dr. Thomas

One of Alexander Campbell's most noted writings was his lengthy review of "Dr. Thomas". Well, the Gospel Guardian will begin in January a similar review of Dr. J. D. Thomas, one of the faculty members of Abilene Christian College, whose recent book, "We Be BRETHREN" has been published in an attempt to justify many of the modern practices of some churches. Brother Thomas boldly breaks with the traditional rules of Biblical interpretation which scholars have accepted for centuries, and charts a new and modern course. His new rules of hermeneutics, he is persuaded, will fully justify church contributions to colleges, church "banquet halls", and the church operating any kind of business enterprise — banking, farming, merchandising, real estate, which the elders deem wise and profitable. This is a crucial battleground in the continuing fight for the truth. Watch for the review!

Preparing copy

Not a week passes that we do not receive some excellent article for this paper — which we can not publish. The copy is so badly prepared that we simply do not have time to correct it and "clean it up" for the typesetter. It will help us greatly if all who send in articles will (a) double-space your material; (b) clip pages together with paper clips, NEVER with staples; (c) leave about two inches margin at the top of the page on the first sheet; (d) use plain white paper, NOT letterheads.

Der waltz

In view of the present day defense of the dance being made by some brethren, we think the following comment from Ree's Cyclopedia (about 1805 might be of interest. Describing the waltz as "a riotous German dance of modern invention," the Cyclopedia adds:

"The verb waltzen, whence this word derived, implies to roll, wallow, welter, tumble down, or roll in the dirt or mire. What analogy there may be between these acceptations and the dance, we pretend not to say; but having seen it performed by a select party of foreigners, we could not help reflecting how uneasy an English mother would be to see her daughter so familiarly treated, and still more to witness the obliging manner in which the freedom is returned by the females."

Why he was bald-headed

"Why are you so bald-headed?" was a question once put to J. D. Tant in the "query box" in one of his gospel meetings. "The reason I have no hair," Tant responded, "is that I have worn it all off by walking on my head instead of my feet. I do that so the devil can't track me." The biography of "J. D. Tant — Texas Preacher" is now available. It would make an ideal gift. Priced at a modest $4.00, the book can be ordered from the Gospel Guardian, Box 980, Lufkin, Texas.

Shudder, Brother Lemmons!

Not long ago in an editorial in the Firm Foundation, Brother Reuel Lemmons said it made him "shudder" to contemplate the thought that brethren might come to the point of trying to support the Christian colleges by contributions from the churches. Well, he can get ready to tremble! For Dr. J. D. Thomas (with an apparent endorsement from Dr. J. W. Roberts) has now boldly come out in his new book, "We Be BRETHREN" defending that very thing, and trying to prove it scriptural! Both of these men are on the Bible faculty of Abilene Christian College. We will be downright interested now in seeing whether Brother Lemmons turns the influence of his paper against this "new departure" in Biblical interpretations or not. Will he oppose the liberals? Or will he not? Some of his paper's strongest supporters are in the liberal camp.