Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 2, 1958


Cecil B. Douthitt: "W. L. Wharton will preach five sermons on the issues facing the church today for the South-side Church of Christ, Brownwood, Texas, October 6th through the 10th. His sermons will be broadcast over Radio Station KBWD, 1380 on the dial. We are expecting many visitors from surrounding towns."

Richard E. Donley, Box 223, White Plains, New York: "Good progress is being made toward establishing a strong church in this long neglected field. We have been assured that we can continue meeting in the Y. M. C. A. This gives us an adequate meeting place until we are able to build our own building. My support is supplied by the good church in Castleberry, Fort Worth, Texas"

S. R. Tipton, Hope, Arkansas: "Brother Roy E. Cogdill preached here in a gospel meeting from August 24th through August 31st. Much and lasting good was done. Only time will reveal exactly how much. The faithful H. Osby Weaver, Ferris, Texas: "The new local church in Dallas is pleased to announce that it has acquired a permanent place in which to meet. The location is on the corner of Forest Lane and Stults Road. Four acres of land plus a nice stucco house adequate for our present needs compose our holdings. The location is easily accessible. Traveling north on the Central Expressway to Forest Lane, then left three blocks to Stults Road will bring one to our building.

Services at 9:45 and 6:30 morning and evening respectively on Sunday and at 8:00 P.M. Wednesday.

When in Dallas you are cordially invited to worship with us. If you have family or friends that are now living in Dallas of like common faith, please tell them about us."

James L. Denison, Box 516, Boling, Texas: "There were six confessions of wrong yesterday. We also had our highest attendance since last April."