Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
March 2, 1950

Shall We Appease The Colleges?

Joseph H. Cox, Louisville, Ky.

In the "Firm Foundation" of January 24, 1950, Brother G. K. Wallace writes under the caption---"Freed-Hardeman College." Brother Wallace declares he does not "favor supporting a college out of the church treasury." He plainly declares that supporting colleges is not "the work of the church," and says, "Let the church stay out of it." Then he sounds a fearful warning that "we will save schools from fastening themselves upon the churches if those of us who oppose taking money from the church treasury" will get busy and shell out "individual support" to them. He feels that he is "indebted to Christian education" to the extent that he should become "a contributor to the living endowment of Freed-Hardeman College." If Brother Wallace wants to do this, of course, that's his business; however, there are "those of us" who do not feel so keenly "indebted to Christian education" that we can support with our "cash" a school that is committed to the position that it is right for the schools to be supported from church treasuries.

Let the president of Freed-Hardeman College and the heads of all the other colleges who have been receiving contributions from the treasuries of the churches make it "generally known that they do not favor supporting colleges out of church treasuries," then some of "us who oppose taking money from church treasuries to support Christian education" will consider making an "individual" contribution to them. If the teachers of truth will do their part in instructing the church upon its duty in the work of the Lord, we shall have no fear of "the schools fastening themselves upon the churches," even if they do not get our individual contributions. Sound teaching and scriptural elders will keep these "Christian" leeches off the churches. We shall not appease them.