New Printer For P. T.
Way back yonder in the fall of 1963, just two years after the beginning of the Rhomberg and Washington Streets church of Christ, Burnet, the elders of that church and I began to discuss means of reaching people with Gods truth. We wanted to preach Christ, to those who had never followed Him, and to those who had taken His way, but faltered enroute.
Among brethren there was, we felt, a great need for development of more Christ-like attitudes, (the front page features such articles); and a Question page would deal with special problems. I felt brethren lacked a historic sense (the quote page), and we should learn not to take ourselves too seriously (Stuff About Things). Variety should be a rule for each issue, and the articles should be brief, and complete.
Bro. Robert Craig was then preaching in Lometa, Texas, and became our first printer. We started with 600 names, Jan. 1964, and Bob worried with our spelling until May, 65, when he moved away, and we began to print in Austin, Texas. The John P. Dyess Printing Co. has handled this part of our work up to this issue.
But bro. Craig has moved to Austin now, and is again in the printing business, along with his preaching; so we again hand him our messy script and say, Bob, make a good job of it. We will print 5,500 copies this month.
PLAIN TALK continues with its original policies; although the R. & W. church is now Oaks-West church of Christ, much enlarged, and meeting in a new building at Oak Street an First, on the north side of Burnet. I am now on the road in evangelistic meetings and lectures, partially supported by Oaks-West church; and bro. Dan Shipley preaches regularly in the Oaks-West building, and writes each month for Plain Talk. The church has just concluded a fine meeting with bro. Homer Hailey, evangelist.
PLAIN TALK is free to those who request it. We would like to remove from our mailing list those who do not want the paper, but will continue to add those who send us their name, address, including zip code.
To eliminate disinterested parties we remove from our mailing, list those who move, but do not send us a change of address. (It is not enough that we can get your address from the post office; we want your interest in P.T.
We sincerely appreciate your comments, including constructive criticism.