Gleanings Of Travel
While in Bangor, Maine, in bro. Ralph Smarts study, I had opportunity to examine a book called: HYMN STUDIES — ANNOTATED METHODIST HYMNAL, by Charles S. Nutter; Tilton, New Hampshire; Feb. 15, 1884.
On page 18 of this book there was hymn no. 27, Praise The Lord. We give the first and fourth stanzas:
1. Praise the Lord, his glories show, Saints within his courts below, Angels round his throne above, All that see and share his love.
4. Strings and voices, hands and hearts In the concert bear your parts; All that breathe, your Lord adore, Praise him, praise him, evermore! Henry F. Lyte, Alt.
What interested us particularly was the comment which followed the above hymn. Mr. Nutter, author of this Methodist Hymnal, said: The fourth stanza would not have been admitted into any hymn book by the early Methodist. Instruments of music in the church, and especially those with strings, were an abomination to them.
Dr. Adam Clarke said, Music as a science I admire; but instruments of music in the house of God I abominate and abhor. John Wesley said, I have no objection to instruments of music in our chapels, provided they are neither heard nor seen.
Readers of church history are familiar with these quotes — but in a Methodist Hymnal??? Hummmmm!!
There are some great people across this land of ours. Like the young men of the University church, Lexington, Ky., who study with the preacher, bro. Bob Crawley, and go out to preach. Like the white and colored brethren in Piscataway. N. J. , who work together in harmony, and are hungry for the truth of the gospel. Like the young preacher (bro. Huntoon) in Dexter, Me. with home Bible classes every night of the week, and on some days. as he strives to plant the truth in the far northeast.
Sincere Christians in the Ohio river valley are realizing that in their swing from the ultra-conservatism of the past they have been led into errors of institutionalism and the social gospel. and are reviewing their course in the light of Gods word. Sound churches in Indiana are growing in number and strength. And more and more saints are realizing that their allegiance is to Christ, not to some party doctrine, nor to mainstream movements of ANY people. God help us.