Queries And Answers
Dear bro. Turner:
How is the contribution a part of the Lords Day worship? Do we give to God this offering? FC
Sometimes, in a sincere effort to strengthen half-hearted members, and get them to give of their means as they should, we say things inaccurately — things that establish false concepts, and have far-reaching effects. The contribution has had more than its share of such errors.
In the first place, the thing done in worship is but the fruit of the proper attitude or spirit of worship, and does not, of itself, offer or provide God with anything. This was true even in the Old Testament, when the blood of animals was offered as propitiation for sin. The offerings paid for sin only in a symbolic sense, typifying the one true offering which Christ made of Himself, for the sins of the world. (Heb. 10:1-f. Study 1 Sam. 15:22; Prov. 21:3; Hos. 6:)
In the more literal sense, Christ is the ONE sacrifice of the New Covenant, one sacrifice for sins for ever once offered once for all, (Heb. 9:28 10: 10-12). God does not need anything (Acts 17: 24-25) and certainly isnt appeased or conciliated by our prayer, song, or money. The Lords Day contribution IS NOT an offering at the alter; and many of the pleas and prayers some associate with the collection border on the ridiculous, and are pure Judaism.
A far more appropriate way to consider the matter is to see ourselves as belonging to the Lord, body and spirit (1 Cor. 6: 15-20 2 Cor. 8:3-5) after which we use time and material blessings as stewards only. Christians are living sacrifice (Rom. 12) Our singing, prayers, teaching, remembering (L. S. ) and giving of our means to promote His cause, are acceptable only as they indicate a sincere desire on our part to serve God with our whole being. Thus, we worship God in spirit and in truth.
When an individual becomes a Christian he serves the Lord with his all, regardless of what others do. Finding other Christians, he joins with them in the service of Christ (an association commanded and sanctions by the Lord: Heb. 10:25; Acts 20:7, etc) and this collective action is the very essence of the local church. Saints pool their means in order to work as one in the service of Christ, and this necessitates a time of gathering.
1 Cor. 16:1-3 is an example of such a gathering in the early church, and as an approved example, serves as authority for like action on our part. It was done in keeping with an apostles explicit instructions. Today we also have needs to meet, work to be done; and in order to accomplish the work God has authorized to be done collectively, Christians must pool their means and/or abilities — usually through a medium of exchange, or just plain MONEY.
We give to support preachers, to feed the hungry, to supply facilities for our work and worship. The gift is to God: only as respects purpose and as it reflects a heart wholly His.