Vol.V No.II Pg.2
April 1968

Go Thou, Do Likewise!

Robert F. Turner

Response to the announcement of the Arlington meeting has shown the variety of natures in humanity. Many have been "so happy " something was done; a few have expected immediate results; a few have felt the meeting "unwise" or "feared it would compromise truth." All these show an erroneous conception -- as though chosen "representatives" met to settle something for the brotherhood. And nowhere did sectarian concept show more clearly than in those who took some individual's report (Spears, Highers, or any other) as though this or that "party" is now committed to some supposed "position".

Some praised the meeting, who have for years refused to sit down and make a like study with others. And a few, who have considered the unwillingness of "promoters" to discuss our differences a thing to be scorned, now scorn those who did meet to study together. It is a little confusing, and makes one wonder if they would have liked it better if they had been asked to speak.

The fact that the discussion was to some extent private -- although the proposed publication of material will open the doors to the public -- seemed to "bug" one or two . I wonder if they have never gone to a home for quiet Bible study, in an atmosphere conducive to candor? For those who cite Acts 26:26 I cite Gal. 2:2 -- as if either passage had any bearing on the matter. What fools we mortals be!

I went to Arlington because brethren with whom I differed agreed to discuss those differences openly, freely, frankly. That's reason enough. I made special preparation, writing a 45-minute paper on one subject, because I was told this material would be published -- making the study available to the public. Arlington had no likeness to the Plains of Ono; for I did not cease my labors to talk - I continued and enlarged my labors for the Lord there. I came away with a better impression of some of my brethren than I had before; and with a worse impression of some than I had before. Nothing unusual about that.

If any of my brethren who differ with me on Bible matters would like to study with me, privately, publicly, orally, in correspondence, or in any other way that may help us reach a better and more scriptural understanding of the issues between us, I welcome the opportunity. How else can we claim to be acting as Christians in these matters. Gal. 6:1; Acts 17:11 20:20; 2 Tim. 4:2. I advise all brethren to seriously consider, "Come, let us reason together!"