Vol.V No.XI Pg.2
January 1969

Who Thinks For You?

Robert F. Turner

Ready to Give Answer — from page one

giving opportunity and effort to accurately understand issues between us and to deliberately consider Gods word on these subjects.

Between us means the participants — for we represent no one else. Arlington and Leakey meetings can not settle anything for the brotherhood. This is no conference of delegates. Liberal brethren may try to use it for propaganda advantage, as they did the Arlington meeting; and conservative brethren may cavil, and show an equally sectarian concept of our party — but Gods work must continue.

I know that God wants His children to he ONE, and to this end has given them ONE Lord. ONE faith, etc. (Eph. 4) The way of unity, our only hope for unity, is finding that ONE faith, and abiding in it. This must be done on an individual basis — one by one we learn truth and accept it. THERE ARE NO PARTY DOCTRINES from a scriptural viewpoint; hence there can be no adjusting or compromise of positions to bring about Bible unity.

But I am not infallible, nor is my brother. When we differ it is due to differing attitudes toward the word of God, or failure to understand its teaching. This calls for discussion, under the most favorable circumstance for unbiased consideration. It could be done before an audience (Acts 28:23-f) or it could be done in a more private manner. (Acts 18:26) BUT IT MUST BE DONE! If we fail to make the Leakey meeting what it ought to be, may God help us to try again!!

Who thinks for me, acts for me; for words and deeds are but the results, the fruits of my heart. (Matt. 15: 18—20 12:34—35) Since I will be judged eternally by my words and my deeds (Matt. 12:36-f. Rom. 2:6-f) when I relinquish freedom of thought, I put my eternal destiny in anothers hands. Nor can I excuse myself by saying He is more capable — etc. God made me a free-agent — and I have refused a God-given responsibility. It is sinful to submit to any power but that of God — i.e., to allow any other to be first. I can keep God first in my heart only when I draw my own conclusions regarding His will. (Rom. 14: 4-5, 12; 1 Cor. 6:12)

We all learn from one another. The experienced, the trained student, the technical teacher are all needed. But my faith must not stand in the wisdom of men. (1 Cor. 2:1-5) Men may guide me, but the conclusions must be my own, believed and acted upon because I have concluded that God, not man, said so. THINK ON THESE THINGS!!