Stuff About Things
On various occasions I have taken part in worship services which are broadcast to a radio audience. Every time this happens I notice the special attention given to the singing, prayer, etc. Just before we go on the air the mothers are cautioned to take their children out if they become noisy; announcements are planned with care; the one to lead in prayer has been carefully selected. Even the preacher puts a little extra spit-and-polish into his sermon.
We are talking to people outside "our" group now -- perhaps this is being recorded -- only the best will do.
Last Sunday we were only worshipping Jehovah God, our Creator.
Perhaps there is some justification for extra quietness, and crisp distinct announcements as we go "on the air" but I suspect we sometimes consider the advertisement value of such programs more highly than we do the worship value. If so, we are defeating our purpose.
I recall accepting a phone call once, which turned out to be an ill-tempered brother with a sharp and nasty tongue. Switching on my magnetic recorder, I made a record of part of his tirade. Then, remembering the law on such matters, I informed him the recorder was running, and asked for permission to use the statements made. Such sputtering!! Finally, he said he supposed it was all right, but maybe I had misunderstood just what he intended to say. He then reworded his statements-- dressing them down to fairly decent conversation. I accepted the revised version, saying I would erase the earlier portion of the tape-- which I did.
But just as we closed our talk I asked him to remember one very important fact, viz., "GOD'S TAPE RECORDER RUNS DAY AND NIGHT." More sputtering!
Most folk are quiet and respectful when someone is praying -- man talking to God; but they may whisper, pass notes, spank children, etc., when the Bible is being read-- God taIking to man. Does this show faith in God ?? ?
When God becomes more real to us; when we really begin to believe in His abiding presence, His all-seeing eye, the freedom of His access to our very thoughts -- then, and not until then, will we truly reverence Him.
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