Vol.XIX No.III Pg.3
May 1982


Dan S. Shipley

What ever happened to the old-fashioned virtue of reliability? He promised that check would be here by the fifth — that came ten days ago but the check hasn't showed up yet. My mechanic assured me that my car needed a thirty-five dollar "minor" tune-up and that it would be ready Tuesday. I got it Saturday. The BILL WAS sixty-nine bucks and it still misses. My friend just hired a man who said he was desperate for work. He showed up late for work the first three days; had to be off the fourth day; then, quit on Friday. Sound familiar? Makes you wonder if anyone can be counted on anymore.

And yet, in a world filled with such incompetence and broken promises, it is refreshing to know that the people of God are different. The true Christian is dependable because he is Christ-like in character, integrity, and honesty. He is reliable because he is a partaker of the divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4) and God is faithful (1 Cor. 10:13; Heb. 10:23). The Christian is countonable. His word is his bond. He does what he says he will and does not say that he'll do what he won't or can't — even in "little" things. If he has an appointment at a certain time, you can be sure he'll be there. As one who has put off the old man with his deeds, he has put away lying and speaks only the truth with his neighbor (Col. 3:9; Eph. 4:25). He does not misrepresent, deceive, or leave false impressions in what he says. He is not one who finds it necessary to minimize, rationalize, or make excuses for not keeping his word. If he is a follower of Christ, he is a follower of Truth. You can believe him!

The Christian is countonable. His employer can have confidence that he will be conscientious in doing what he is paid to do — and working all the time he is paid to work. He will not be seeking ways in which he can "make up the difference" between what he is paid and what he thinks he is worth. The Christian employee works heartily, "as unto the Lord" (Col. 3:23), remembering that both he and his boss have a "Master" in heaven (Eph. 6:9). He works as efficiently and diligently in his employer's absence as in his presence. He's a Christian!

The Christian is countonable by the world. They know they can look to him for an example of godly living (Matt. 5:16); as a Christ-reflecting luminary in a sin darkened world (Phil. 2:15). They see him as a kind and helpful neighbor, a good citizen, one who pays his debts and helps the poor. He is a respected man with a good reputation. He talks with his friends and neighbors about the Bible and about their souls. He's just the kind of man the world needs!

The Christian is countonable by his family. Whether in the role of marriage partner or parent he is mindful of God's will and the family's need. He is very careful about his example in conduct and speech, understanding that his lifestyle is a recommendation to the rest of the family.

The Christian is countonable by the church. He would not think of being less faithful here than to his employer! He can be counted on to be present, to give, study, work — after all, he's a Christian!