Vol.XIV No.VIII Pg.2
October 1977

Mostly Local - -

Robert F. Turner

If it is with a sense of fear and trembling that Bro. Turner begins his work in Australia again, it is no less so with me in staying at home and assuming the responsibility for getting out Plain Talk for these next three issues. Robert did prepare a couple of pages for this issue before leaving (pp 6,8), and for "just in case" marked a few articles from back issues to be used as reprints.

In addition, my good friend Dee Bowman, preacher for the Southside church in Pasadena, Tx., has consented to help out with several articles, which will be most welcomed. I know that you will appreciate his good work. There is a possibility that one or two others may contribute articles at Robert's request, so look for them in coming issues.


Frequently, we receive requests for back issues of Plain Talk and we are happy to accommodate such requests insofar as our limited reserves will permit. Obviously, our supply of some issues, especially earlier ones, are already depleted. For some time now it has been my thinking that many of our readers would welcome an opportunity to purchase bound volumes of Plain Talk. A few of us have saved our copies through the years and have had them bound at four-year intervals. At present, we have three attractive books, each containing four volumes of Plain Talk, starting with 1968. Trouble is, I have not fully convinced Robert to make them available. If you are interested. perhaps you could help convince bro. Turner by dropping us a line. Personally, I feel that what he has written is worth preserving. ire and passing on to other generations. Our purpose is not to sell books and even if it were, they would not be pushed in this paper. But, to my way of thinking, any library would be enhanced with bro. Turner's works. If nothing else, perhaps he will consent to having selected articles put into book form. Anyway, if you agree with my thinking, let us know. Thanks.


As bro. Turner reported on this page of our last issue, the Oaks-West church building suffered fairly extensive fire and smoke damage on Sept. 3. Clean-up and repairs were delayed for some time, pending settlement with the insurance company. Finally, we were able to get started and have made good progress thus far, and all with our own members doing the work. We are hoping to be back in the building by around the first of Dec. and in the meantime are meeting at the Burnet Intermediate School. Attendance for Bible classes and worship has not suffered — in fact, maybe better. God has blessed us richly! DSS