Doing My Own Thing
A popular, and in many ways an appealing philosophy is expressed on posters and cards for our now generation.
I do my thing, and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you, and I am I; and if by chance we find each other, its beautiful. Frederick S. Pens
Its beautiful all right, until finding you makes an our responsibility, and one or both of us want to maintain our own selfish ways. Is my thing whatever I want to do regardless of how it affects others? In an our situation, have we no obligation to live up to one-anothers expectations? Is there no place for our things —- beginning with the family unit, and extending to neighbors, and finally to the whole world? Doing my own thing often disclaims accountability to others. It becomes a childish, irresponsible philosophy that disregards the needs of society. Of course the expectations of others can be arbitrary and unfair. That is why laws must be formed among men. If each one of us went about doing our own thing it would result in chaos and anarchy, with each of us slaves to our own folly. But citizens of a law-governed society have the right to expect something of others.
Each of us must act upon personal convictions (Rom. 14:5); and yet none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself (v. 7). And why is my liberty judged by anothers conscience? Because I recognize a Master greater than man, who would have me be considerate of my fellowmens feelings and interests — that they might be saved (1 Cor. 10:25-33). The Christian is greatly concerned about the expectations of his Maker. But unalterably doing my own thing means having no respect for Gods wishes — in essence, denying the existence of God. It is the antithesis of His teaching, viz., to be more concerned for others than for your self (Phil. 2:4).
Todays beautiful philosophy may deny the true beauty of our Maker.