The Whole Armor
I have been requested to write an article on The Whole Armor Of God, but I would like to put Pauls admonition in its context. The text (Eph. 6:10-f.) is the concluding part of his message to the Ephesians, and I may be so bold as to propose an outline and paraphrased commentary.
Paul says: PRAISE GOD who, IN His Son JESUS CHRIST, has blessed us, chosen us, predestinated us, accepted us, redeemed us, given us wisdom, told us the mystery of His will, given us inheritance— that we Jews who first trusted in Christ, and ye Gentiles who later trusted in Him, should together praise His glory.
I pray God He will give you wisdom and knowledge to know: (1) the hope of His calling, (2) the riches of His glory, and (3) the greatness of His power, wrought in Christ.
We, Jew and Gentile alike, were once lost in sin, but are now ONE IN CHRIST, being saved by His grace; and have become fellow citizens, members of the same family (of God) and together make up the spiritual temple which God inhabits. My (Pauls) ministry is to the end that we may give glory to God in the church by Christ.
Therefore, walk worthy of this high calling! Keep unity! Grow to maturity, using the means God has provided. Walk not as pagans, but walk as children of light; remembering how Christ loves His church, and gave himself for it. (for us!)
Finally, PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR!! Partial armor will not be enough. Our enemy is very strong— his attack is planned, methodized (wiles), and is directed by (evil) spiritual forces. (This is no mere fleshly combat, but a struggle for souls, for eternity.)
Put on the belt of truth, whereby all efforts are unified and the laxity of falsehood dispelled. The good life, righteousness, as a breastplate, will protect you when false charges are hurled. Right living builds character, an ingrained fortification against unexpected, unjust darts.
The gospel is not self-propelled, and we can not march with it without preparation. Meyer says that the preparation is conceived of as the foot-clothing itself. When the attack is launched it is too late then for preparation. We must stay ready.
Above all we must have faith, the result of an objective approach to Gods word; thought out, honestly and completely accepted. Superstition and traditional dogma will not shield us from Satans darts. Many are being burned today because their shields are flimsy material, borrowed from parent or preacher— easily pierced. And lacking real faith, there is no real hope. Salvation does more than look back to remission of past sins. It must anchor the soul, a protecting helmet against lifes cruel blows.
Then, we must wield the instrument of the Spirit if we are to overcome spiritual wickedness. Gods word will put to flight an enemy that thrives on philosophy, degrees, and human reasoning, And prayer completes the equipment, so that we glorify our God.