Vol.X No.I Pg.1
March 1973

Two Men Serve The Lord.

Robert F. Turner

Two men serve the Lord. The first is motivated by his love for the local church as an institution. He enthusiastically supports its program of activities. He works diligently to get others to be baptized, for he is interested in this organization of which he is a part, and he wants to see it grow. He attends all the meetings, gives liberally of his money, and really does his part in support of the local church.

The other is motivated by his love for the Lord. He too works to convert others, but he does so because he is concerned for their souls. He too attends all the meetings, for in doing so he is drawn closer to the Lord whom he loves, and has opportunity to glorify His name. He also gives liberally of his money, for he loves the Lord and is interested in doing his part in financing His work. He loves the church and rejoices when it grows I but his love reaches far more deeply than does that of the first man; in fact, he would serve the Lord if there were not another Christian on earth nor prospects that there ever would be another.

The first mans enthusiasm is dependent to a great degree on others. While the congregation is growing and active, his enthusiasm continues strong; but when problems arise, or his favorite preacher moves on, or some of his brethren dont pull their weight, or someone criticizes him, or the congregation just generally faces a difficult period, his enthusiasm begins to wane, and he becomes unfaithful.

The second man is stable and unwavering. Brethren come and go; the congregation of which he is part has its periods of growth and periods of depression; problems arise from time to time; but this mans enthusiasm remains constant through it all, for it is centered on Him who never changes, the One who has promised, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

Let us take heed, then, how we build (1 Cor. 3:10). Perhaps the title of this article should have read, One Man Serves The Lord, for it is very doubtful that the first man serves the Lord at all.

(By Bill Hall, Melbourne, Australia.)