Use Your Bible ......
This is a study of words used in N. T. which describe Salvation; and by their use, teach us to recognize our need for salvation and its blessings.
- REDEMPTION "to acquire at forum," "to loose by a price"
- Rom. 6:16-22 We are made slaves of sin-- in bondage.
- John 8:32-36 Christ makes us free, through truth.
- Redeemed from system of law. (Moses) Gal. 3:10-f.
- Redeemed from iniquity. Titus 2:14
- JUSTIFICATION "freedom from guilt" "Judicial declaration"
- Rom. 2:13 Law offers justification to Doers only.
- Rom. 3:20 Since all sin, no flesh so justified.
- Rom. 3:23-28 Justified through Christ, grace--faith.
- RECONCILED "be changed throughout--made compatible, agreeable to"
- 2 Cor. 5:14-f. We were away, antagonistic through sin.
- Through "word of reconciliation" reconciled to God.
Eph. 2:13 In Christ made nigh by blood Eph. 2:16 In one Body reconciled by cross
- SANCTIFIED "set apart, as for special use" (2 Tim. 2:20-f.)
- Jn. 17:17 Sanctified through word of truth.
- 1 Thes. 5:25 Calls for total commitment.
- ADOPTED "brought into family, accepted as Christ's brethren"
- Eph. 1:5 Christ adopts children to Himself.
- Gal. 4:1-7 One family (Jew and Gentile) in Christ.
Note: No attempt has been made to make this a complete lesson -- showing terms of adoption, reconciliation, etc. Purpose of this lesson is to increase our appreciation of the blessings offered in Christ.
Use your cross-reference (center-column or otherwise) as you read these passages. Make notes of questions you may have, and let us help in specific studies of the points you find particularly interesting.